Dog days of Aug.

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    In the heat of summer before that first cool night, usually trapping is about the last thing on guys’ minds. Just a reminder that having those couple days to prep gear before season in so valuable. We’ve all been caught with the approach of season and not being prepared as we would like. Now is the time to get that jump start and order stuff early.

    I have some earlier posts on here that people can search for for a few ideas in making drown rods and other stuff!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    when do you usually go about cleaning up your old traps and re dying them? I was thinking mid to late August this year

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I’ve already started on going through them, fixing stuff and having them ready. 4 new dozen are hanging in the woods rusting. My goal this year is to be DONE by Sept 20th…. I do a few damage control jobs, so I have gear in use year round

    Chris Hazen
    Posts: 38

    Hey Randy what do you use to take rust off of traps and to dye traps. I have about 4-5 dozen I want to clean and dye

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    It all depends on how severe the rust is. Light/even rust is desired. So i use from steel wool to heavy wire brush. I do a lot of water trapping and I have gear frozen in from Nov to April. Needless to say, some of it gets really bad. For that, I have turned to a vise and a wire brush for my cordless drill.

    As for dying, I’m old school with Logwood dye. I buy canning kettles and use over the burner for my turkey fryer. I run a heaver solution than what the packages say for water dilution. I also add water as it evaporates during boiling. Light boil for 45 minutes and hang up to dry.

    Waxing – I have a kettle specifically for waxing that the wax stays in year round. Bring up to a very light boil and dip the traps. You should begin to get a sizzling sound similair to frying eggs. 15 or so minutes and it should be quiet. Remove and cool. Keep scent free and your set

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    What are your thoughts on trap size?

    We are using mb550’s for coyotes now looking to get some more and was looking at the 650. I like the idea of both jaws being held down.

    Here’s a few pics to get the blood flowing

    1. 20131103_104023.jpg

    2. 20131101_185346.jpg

    3. 20131105_164251.jpg

    4. 20131111_103711.jpg

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 304

    You can use electrolysis using your battery charger and washing soda (sodium carbonate) in ionic solution to provide the conductivity to remove rust. Here’s a video of bolts that a fellow has on youtube that is showing an extreme case.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    What are your thoughts on trap size?

    The better the glove fits, the better the hold is. Or at least that is what I try to follow. I try to not be over-sized for mt target species. Too large of a spread often is too high of a catch above the paw and then there can be issues. Just above the paw and no damage

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