Dog crapping in the basement

  • fishingstar
    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 498

    Over the last two weeks our 8 year old lab has been crapping in the basement when we go to work. She never has done this in the past. The basement pile is the only one that is loose which tells me that she is nervus about something but nothing has changed in our house. The only thing I can think of is the fireworks that go off on the weekend. She gets very uptight with fireworks but I can shoot ducks and pheasants and that doesn’t bother her at all. I we are going to start putting her in her kennel so she fells secure when we are at work. anybody got any ideas what to do?

    Posts: 674

    Change in the household would be my first guess, but you say you ruled that out. I would just ask you consider anything and everything such as a change in work/feeding schedule, new person in the house, new food, new neighbors, new colonge/purfume, new plants in the backyard. Dogs key onto the smallest things. Could be a new deliver schedule from UPS, FedEx, or USPS that’s happening when your gone. If you rule that out, I’d take her to the vet, especially since it’s multiple loose stools.

    Though you mention the fireworks. If they’ve been especially obnoxious this year in your area, that could be it. She’s a little older now and she’s just keying in on it more for whatever reason.

    Posts: 2873

    Not sure but this morning was the first time I’ve seen my lab act visibly nervous from thunder. Needed to stay right near me, even touching me, and would not lie down.

    Like yours, she’s fine with shotgun blasts and has never really reacted to thunder or fireworks before… There were some pretty violently loud cracks this morning though- maybe crossed her threshold.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 498

    I’m thinking it’s the fireworks. We live on a lake so the fireworks goes off every weekend two to three weeks before and after the 4th. Friday was the only day this weekend we ha them and not very much. I think the kennel will help she likes going in there.

    Posts: 674

    One other question I’d ask, does she have access to the outside and still decide to poop in the basement? If yes, I’d be worried she’s not feeling well and is trying to hide it (not show weakness to the pack or predators) and maybe would still consider having her looked at by a vet. If she doesn’t have access to the outside, then your probably right about trying out the crate first.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1102

    Not sure but this morning was the first time I’ve seen my lab act visibly nervous from thunder. Needed to stay right near me, even touching me, and would not lie down.

    I have had two dogs that never even acknowledged thunder until they were older. Both had hearing loss and I still wonder if that had something to do with it.

    Posts: 219

    I see this comparison a lot. Fireworks are way different than hunting gunshots. Sure they’re both loud noises but that’s where the similarities stop. Entirely different environments and factors. Just because your dog isn’t gun shy doesn’t mean they’ll love fireworks randomly going off randomly in a place where they usually feel safe and secure.

    Posts: 1858

    My pitbull started suddenly pooping in the house after about 2 years, no pee just poop. I started putting her in a kennel and she was fine, whenever something got loud or too many people were around she would go to her kennel.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    all but 1 of my dogs were or are afraid of fireworks……..not guns.

    my 1 lab stood over a pac of firecrackers going off barking like mad at it!!!!! crazy doah fortunately one of our friends got him yanked away!!

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 498

    Today she didn’t have a problem today. I lost out on the kennel. She doesn’t have access outside when we are at work and she never goes down stairs.

    Posts: 674

    Good chance it’s the fireworks or something in the environment then. But also at 8 yrs (56 in dog yrs) bowels tend to start acting a little differently just like humans.

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 498

    A little update on my pooch. Put her on a rice and chicken diet. It seems it was a stomach issue. tomorrow back to normal food hope it goes good.

    Posts: 674

    Glad you got that figured out. My 9 year old setter has had the oddest health issues, but strangely enough is in the best shape of his life right now. Dogs are strange and wonderful creatures.

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