I’ve had bear on camera very consistently from baiting season. I’ve had one bear come in right around dawn and then in the middle of the night and another bear come in a couple times during the day. I unfortunately could only fill this barrel once a week due to work and location. The last picture I have received from my camera with a bear on it was last Sunday. I was able to refill the barrel (crappy trail mix, popcorn, corn, grease, donuts) on Monday night. Monday night through until this coming Tuesday it has been raining everyday. I’m wondering if the hot and dry weather we’ve had here in Minnesota all summer brought these bears into this property but now since the area has gotten a pretty good soaking that they may have moved back to their home or if something else has happened.
I’m looking for some advice as this is my very first season trying to hunt this animal. I have two barrels currently, one on private family land and another on public. I plan on checking another piece of public a few miles away to set up another one just to spread the love a little.
Anything helps.