Last summer I started letting the kids roam the beaches of Lake Superior after fishing. Something I should’ve done much more of since they seem to happily occupy themselves for hours at a time. My daughter likes to take rocks home with her so we started looking into what some of them were and trying to find Lake Superior agates. This winter with as little fishing as I have done I watched a lot of rockhounding videos on YouTube. Now I’m hooked.
We left the kids at home this time but the wife and I went to the north shore and used most of a day to hit up some hotspots before all the crazies get out there and pick the beaches clean. We found some really cool stuff and I’m still trying to figure out what all of it is.
We managed to find some cool stuff this week. A few small agates and some really cool Thomsonite.
I curious to hear if anyone else does this and what you like to hunt for. Also, if you do any polishing, tumbling or cutting.