Does any one run a home air purifier?

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    Since we have had to shut the windows and turn on the heat I have had troubles breathing inside. I had a company clean all my ducts and vents out. The dogs and cat has never bothered me before. But this winter has been rough. I wake up wheezing and have to use a inhaler.

    Been looking in to buying a home air purifier but they dont look to cheap. So I’m just seeing if any one else has 1 they recommend or if they help in a situation like mine.

    Posts: 410

    We run one in are bedroom. They don’t cover much for square footage. I feel that running the air purifier and our roomba vacuum has helped. Our purifier is a levoit.

    Posts: 9311

    My mom has one that is only big enough for a room or two. I always sleep better when down there. I wake up with a clear nose and just feel better.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    Yeah most I’ve been seeing are a small square footage area. So I’m thinking of buying 2, 1 for the living room and 1 for my bed room. Looking on Amazon and Ebay there are just so many to choose from.
    What one is worth the money and will have filters easy to find

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    An HRV (air exchanger) might accomplish more.

    Posts: 1811

    you bet, plus a one-room humidifier

    Posts: 534

    I have owned two houses that I have installed Honeywell Electro-Static air cleaners in the forced air HVAC systems. (about 30 years)

    My wife swears by them.

    They are designed to fit in the dishwasher to clean them and need to be cleaned about every 6-8 week.

    The furnace fan was run on low at all times. My wife only had to dust about every three week.

    When I built my retirement home with heat in the floor and an HRV air exchanger I left it out and now for the last 8 years she has cursed me (tongue in cheek) every time she has to dust.

    The HRV air exchanger is not as good as the Honeywell Air Cleaner in cleaning the air but it does take care of stale smells in the house.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    you bet, plus a one-room humidifier

    You bet they work well? Are you saying a 1 room air purifier helps ?

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    Have you tried a merv 13 air filter? You can also look into adding a U.V. light in the return air plenum.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    Have you tried a merv 13 air filter? You can also look into adding a U.V. light in the return air plenum.

    Pretty sure I run a merv8 silver. But I may be wrong

    Reef W
    Posts: 3165

    We have four of these spread throughput the house due to allergies: I think they were $100 when I bought them, they must go on sale once in awhile.

    Hard to say if they actually help but they are always pretty dirty when I clean them every couple of weeks so they are taking a lot of dust out of the air. I can’t notice anymore after having them so long but, when we first got it, we noticed it helped the dog stank in the first room we put it in. They are quiet enough to run 24/7 and have a light detector so they go almost completely silent in the dark. I don’t think they do much in the completely silent mode though so I run them on the manual setting at level 2 out of 4 which is quiet enough for me.

    Edit: Should also mention we have an Aprilaire 2410 (I think) whole house air purifier on the furnace. Even with that the Winix ones in each room pick up a lot of junk.

    Kevin Yopp
    Posts: 192

    My wife is a smoker and in the winter when our house was closed up, the smell would get to me, so I bought one of these:

    It worked fine, but I soon realized it does not work for a whole house as I had hoped. So I simply put a bath fan into our basement and confined her smoking to that area, which worked.

    So now I have this fine purifier that we no longer use. It’s in great condition and I’d let it go for a couple hundred bucks if you are interested. I have to warn you that the filters (annual) are pretty spendy, but if you want to clean your air of smells and particulates, this thing works. Top rated …

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I buy the decent hepa furnace filter and run a little one in the bedroom. Makes a big difference.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    I buy the decent hepa furnace filter and run a little one in the bedroom. Makes a big difference.

    Thanks that is exactly the answer I’m looking for.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12267

    I use an air purifier in the bedroom during the summer. I think it helps with seasonal allergies.

    IMO don’t buy this online if you can avoid it. I had to return 2 of them because they were noisy. The motor or fan was either too loud or had a rattle or vibration. You want an absolutely silent one, but with as many CFM as possible so the filter is turning over the air as often as possible.


    Walker, Mn.
    Posts: 611

    I installed a Honeywell Air Cleaner in my house when I had ducts worked well…. I just bought a Rabbit air 780 five filter system for the main room. I also have a Allen 350 in the bedroom. This is the one I had Honeywell Electro-Static air cleaners in the forced air HVAC systems worked great clean often.

    I have a slab house and burn wood the Rabbit Air is in the area my wood stove is in Seems to be working less dust but Iv’e only had it a month. Eyes don’t itch as much

    Allen makes a unit I almost bought Breath smart covers about 1300 sq ft. Might buy one of these also. Hepa filters with Ion control.

    You have duct work Id put Honeywell filter on the furnace then buy a air cleaner for the bedroom. Google Allen and Rabbit Air. Rabbit Air is very quiet.

    Good Luck

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    Thanks guys I appreciate the input

    Posts: 5126

    I wouldn’t run anything that creates ozone. Ozone reacts with organic materials and kills them, doesn’t matter if it’s in the air or in your body. If you’re breathing in high concentrations of ozone it’s killing your lungs as well.

    Posts: 4532

    Try a whole room one in your bedroom and see how that goes after a week or 2.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    Try a whole room one in your bedroom and see how that goes after a week or 2.

    That’s my plan. I’m gonna go get one tonight or tommorrow and keep our room closed.

    Posts: 1811

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    you bet, plus a one-room humidifier

    You bet they work well? Are you saying a 1 room air purifier helps ?

    Yes i bought a Honeywell tower air pureifier for the bedroom, plus a one room humidifier, I get some decent sleep now, DK.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>catmando wrote:</div>
    you bet, plus a one-room humidifier

    You bet they work well? Are you saying a 1 room air purifier helps ?

    Yes i bought a Honeywell tower air pureifier for the bedroom, plus a one room humidifier, I get some decent sleep now, DK.

    Thanks man, I’m going to invest in one

    Posts: 959

    Renewaire ERV – $1050 installed. Runs 48 of every 60 minutes. Gives air exchange with outside air, without increasing your heating bill. Hardwood floors too. Carpet is nasty for holding filth. Don’t care if you own a commercial rug doctor, carpet cleaning isn’t good enough.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11084

    Renewaire ERV – $1050 installed. Runs 48 of every 60 minutes. Gives air exchange with outside air, without increasing your heating bill. Hardwood floors too. Carpet is nasty for holding filth. Don’t care if you own a commercial rug doctor, carpet cleaning isn’t good enough.

    Erv’s are typically for the southern states, hrv’s for northern states.
    With either, they have different speed/interval settings

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22148

    I would be interested in installing something fancy and permanent, but we are currently in the market for buying a new house. That’s while I’m looking for one o just plug in per room.

    Mark Henry
    Posts: 1

    My wife and I decided to purchase a medical grade air cleaner from FilterQueen. From what we could tell it had the highest filtration rate for what we could purchase in Canada. It wasn’t cheap but we saw instant changes in our air quality. It actually feels like breathing air from the great outdoors!!! Couldn’t be happier!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Mark!

    Are you buy chance the Mark Henry from the Henry Company?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13915

    The facet that you need an inhaler says a lot. At minimum start running a 13merv filter on your furnace.

    While back I built a home for people with extreme allergies. 13 merv filter, my Hvac contractor fabricated a filter box for the fresh air intake. Additionally they put in a medify whole house and a hrv. They have all hardwood and tile floors – no carpet. It’s the cleanest most dust free house I’ve ever seen

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5877

    What about the iWave along with the higher rated filters?

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 711

    Strange how these old topics keep popping back up. The place I work at spent a lot of money on aeris air purifiers a few months ago, not sure if they did any good. The cheaper ones were $500 on amazon and the pricey ones were $1000

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