Public acceses are often owned by local towns or counties-would be nice if these local enteties had communication with the DNR and that they would communicate with us! Do they have to check with the DNR B4 they put something in? My guess is yes-so then the DNR should post this on LAKEfinder. The other thing that happens is the launch will close for weeks or months for whatever good reason and you don’t find out ’till you have made a plan for that lake and have driven miles to get there.
To your question about the docks: Not sure how you can find out(if it is still in), again poor communication. Consider this: some lakes have permanent docks-Yes they cost more, BUT you do not have to pay people to put them in or take them out-So, are they really more expensive?
Anyway, I’m still out there but I will not dip my naked feet in that water, get some knee high boots and keep fishing.