Dock Help

  • Charla Hunter
    Posts: 2

    This is our first year on Mille Lacs and the person who was going to put out our dock has canceled on us. We’re on the north side. Does anyone know a person willing to put out our dock?

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Style or type of dock might help. It will be harder to find someone if you have one of the style of docks that suck to put in.
    Good luck.

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    This is who we use they are great

    Dave LaTourelle
    [email protected]

    Posts: 13108

    The FIRM up by farm island does it.
    I believe prince bait does as well.

    South end
    Posts: 751

    Jeremiah Lapinski
    In Isle on the left side of 27, after 47 & the funeral home, between the highway and the trail. Last time I looked he had a “rock” warning bouy along side his entrance. Bobcat & stuff in yard.
    320 382 1582

    Posts: 2

    Also on the north side. Had Hoglund Dock Svc help out. Very reasonable price, very accomodating, reliable. Use them yearly for both spring and fall. Highly suggest as I have also had people cancel out last minute. 218-419-2926

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