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Dock etiquette when fishing
Posts: 1263May 16, 2023 at 4:05 pm #2202955I remember one time a buddy and I were sight fishing smallmouth, neither one of us dock fish, when this guy runs out and tells us “no motor boats within 200′ of a dock” so I just had to ask.” how the hell did you get your pontoon and ski boat in the lifts? did you row?” I wasn’t even running the big motor , I was on the TM.
May 16, 2023 at 4:16 pm #2202956It’s just like anything these days in life. You are going to run into A holes on either side. I’ve seen dock owners go absolutely bananas just because a guy is fishing their dock. Not hitting anything, not bothering anything. But these people go ape. That’s when you have them call the police and they get the ticket for harassing an angler.
I dock fish a LOT. I will not fish a dock that people are actively using. Just common courtesy. Also, the small percent of the time I do bang off the dock or a pontoon, I move along to the next one. Again, common courtesy. Hooking an awning is something I can honestly say I’ve never done. That’s a new one.
People just need to treat other people with respect and 9 times out of 10 there won’t be a problem. And if there is that’s when the police get a call and as long as you are being respectful and not doing anything wrong, the owner will get the ticket.
May 16, 2023 at 4:45 pm #2202960Ok, someone has to be ” that guy”
Who the hello fishes for bass!
Carry on.
Posts: 792May 16, 2023 at 4:48 pm #2202964Don’t fish bass, but with the whole lake to fish not sure why you would want the hassle of fishing around a dock and subject yourself with the hassle of an angry dock owner. I could see a problem if someone was in/or close to a boat on a lift. Too many a holes out there today stealing stuff from other people, so I could see where a property owner would get mad and concerned with people on his dock or in his boat. They may be only going after their lure but how does the property owner know when they see a stranger on their dock or in their boat? Fishing should be fun and enjoyable, so why put yourself in a position for a confrontation.
Justin Donson
Posts: 361May 16, 2023 at 4:54 pm #2202965Not a lakeshore owner, and don’t really fish docks at all, so I don’t have a dog in this fight. However, I wish there was just more common sense applied to situations like this.
Is it illegal to fish a dock? No. Like people have said, it’s not illegal to walk right on top of it, sit your butt down and jig under it for an extended period of time.
It’s one of those situations that ‘It’s not illegal’ doesn’t really mean it’s a great idea.
If there’s kids on the dock or in the water, just go to a different dock. Would you troll through a group of kids swimming in the water off a sandbar? God no, so why would you try to fish a dock with a bunch of kids around it? Personal opinion, this is just one of those issues that fishermen and lakeshore owners use to try to prove a point.
Either way, the ‘It’s not illegal’ mindset is the worst. There’s a lot of ‘not illegal’ things in this world, many of them are terrible ideas, that’s not the moral or ethical bar or guideline that anyone thinks it is. Especially with how laws are ‘enforced’ in this country.
Is it illegal to park my boat 5 feet from someone’s dock while their kids are swimming and do a 60 minute jazzercise routine on the casting deck in my speedo while “Party in the USA” plays on repeat from my boat speakers? No. But it’s a dumb and terrible idea and I shouldn’t get upset when some dock owner calls me on being a weirdo that’s creeping out his kids.
Hypothetically though, what would happen if a fishermen decided to anchor like 1 foot from someone’s dock, jump onto their dock, and then sunbathe every day for like 4 hours? Not technically illegal from what I understand? Police would be called eventually right, but what do you think happens?
Honestly though, fishermen AND lakeshore owners are very high up on the list of most obnoxiously entitled groups of people in this state. And yes, I’m a fishermen lol.
May 16, 2023 at 4:57 pm #2202966If I was a lake shore owner I would be upset with people on my dock, hitting my boat and being disrespectful. But I fish docks as if I was the owner. Up until you get the dick who screams at you for being around there dock. The bring the heat and I’ll light the fire. It’s called stand up for yourself either way. Also goes right back to being respectful.
I don’t and don’t think many people fish docks that are attended. At least I hope not. But if you are mowing your lawn I will fish your dock. Just due to the fact I’m being respectful and not bothering your property or you. 90 percent of my run ins with dock owners are great. 10 percent are bad, and I bet those same people are rude always
Posts: 1263May 16, 2023 at 5:11 pm #2202970It’s about common sense, and about what’s legal and and what people THINK IS LEGAL! or what they want to believe is legal without ever researching the laws.
May 16, 2023 at 5:52 pm #2202976It’s just like anything these days in life. You are going to run into A holes on either side. I’ve seen dock owners go absolutely bananas just because a guy is fishing their dock. Not hitting anything, not bothering anything. But these people go ape. That’s when you have them call the police and they get the ticket for harassing an angler.
I dock fish a LOT. I will not fish a dock that people are actively using. Just common courtesy. Also, the small percent of the time I do bang off the dock or a pontoon, I move along to the next one. Again, common courtesy. Hooking an awning is something I can honestly say I’ve never done. That’s a new one.
People just need to treat other people with respect and 9 times out of 10 there won’t be a problem. And if there is that’s when the police get a call and as long as you are being respectful and not doing anything wrong, the owner will get the ticket.
That’s what I was getting at with my previous posts. If there’s someone there, just move on. I’ve never personally been barked at or harassed by a dock owner, but clearly some of them think you can’t even fish the water around it which is also clearly not true.
Posts: 1507May 16, 2023 at 7:02 pm #2202992Wow this was a can of worms. As I said listening to a lake shore owner just wanted to know your experiences. I don’t fish when someone is on there dock make a wide berth and usually only fish docks early spring to much hassle. I was on lake Sylvia in Wright county a few years back a lot of money on this lake was around 50 feet away from a dock when an irate owner came out and informed me it was illegal to fish there said they knew important people who would take my boat away. Usually don’t confront or try to get out of confrontations for some reason held my ground not saying a word around 20 minutes later a water patrol boat shows up. Owner yelling to arrest me confiscate boat blah blah blah. Another sheriff arrives at the home owners home. Owner arrested and handcuffed. The patrol boat told me next time just to move along but said it was commendable on my part. Best part I never said a word back to this person. I agree with the comments to only use soft baits around docks.
May 16, 2023 at 7:43 pm #2202998From a dock owners perspective I dont think it would be tough at all to make your dock close to un fishable
Posts: 579May 16, 2023 at 7:44 pm #2202999I don’t care if you fish my dock but keep your jigs away from my fiberglass boat!
May 16, 2023 at 10:23 pm #2203021do have a relative who has issues with baits being caught in his boat lift and in/around his dock up by Hayward, WI. He ended up running 2 cables that almost form a triangle out in front of his fairly long L shaped dock. One is probably 18″ off the bottom and runs between the legs of the long span of dock. The other runs diagonally from the tip of the longest piece of dock and is connected to the larger landing area of his dock closer to shore. This one is probably 3′ off the bottom in ~8′ of water.
Just some food for thought. Some times the dock owner does the cables to keep the deep water posts from bending when the dock is moved. The cables also run back to the next set of post to help with the stress when removing the dock from the muck. I have neighbors who do this and it works. We get lots of bass fisherman pitching the docks and have never had a problem. Most fisherman are good folks.
May 16, 2023 at 10:25 pm #2203022I don’t care if you fish my dock but keep your jigs away from my fiberglass boat!
But is it a wake boat because I definitely throw 1/2 oz jigs at those puppies……
I’ve had experiences with absolute Aholes that come out screaming before you even pitch to their dock. I’ve also had owners come out and tell me where on their dock a bass has been living and they sit and watch to see if I can catch it. Just depends on the person. Like I said before, there a respectable people and assholes in every walk of life.
Posts: 3319May 16, 2023 at 10:25 pm #2203023How many points for hitting a dog in the butt hole?
[/quote]All I know is if you hit my dog with something with hooks in it there is going to be some serious consequences. It will not be good consequences either.
I like my dog WAY better than most fisherman. Hell I like her more than most people in general.I did have a run in 1 time with a guy who claimed the crappies were his because he sunk the brush pile at the end of his dock himself.
LOLMay 17, 2023 at 7:30 am #2203036My son and I were out for bass league last night. He tapped the first two docks, we skipped the third because of a canopy, and the fourth dock he went for Plinko.
That was the end of our dock fishing. We covered and talked about many of the points that were brought up in this thread. Tonight he will be practicing in the yard making it into a coffee can. We will be skipping docks for a bit until he gets better with his aim. BTW the dog thing was just for a laugh. If there are dogs or even people on the dock we skip it. I have had a dog jump off the dock and chase my bait down. Then wanted to get into my boat.
May 17, 2023 at 7:34 am #2203037My son and I were out for bass league last night. He tapped the first two docks, we skipped the third because of a canopy, and the fourth dock he went for Plinko.
That was the end of our dock fishing. We covered and talked about many of the points that were brought up in this thread. Tonight he will be practicing in the yard making it into a coffee can. We will be skipping docks for a bit until he gets better with his aim. BTW the dog thing was just for a laugh. If there are dogs or even people on the dock we skip it. I have had a dog jump off the dock and chase my bait down. Then wanted to get into my boat.
How’d the league go ? I posted in the bass forum about the nephews league that I’m captain of. Lots of fun
Jimmy Jones
Posts: 3133May 17, 2023 at 7:38 am #2203038I’ll fish docks for crappies but I am mainly dropping a jig alongside of a submerged post or piling. If someone says anything negative I just move on. Now if the same party has brush piles in front of their dock and fish are there, I’ll hover over that all day and smile as they gripe.
May 17, 2023 at 7:39 am #2203039My son and I were out for bass league last night. He tapped the first two docks, we skipped the third because of a canopy, and the fourth dock he went for Plinko.
That was the end of our dock fishing. We covered and talked about many of the points that were brought up in this thread. Tonight he will be practicing in the yard making it into a coffee can. We will be skipping docks for a bit until he gets better with his aim. BTW the dog thing was just for a laugh. If there are dogs or even people on the dock we skip it. I have had a dog jump off the dock and chase my bait down. Then wanted to get into my boat.
That’s not your problem. People need to either train their dogs or not have a dog. For every well-trained, mannered dog that is 100% under control, there are 20 that are the opposite. If I wanted to fish that dock, it’s exactly what I’d do.
Posts: 101May 17, 2023 at 7:58 am #2203043I don’t care if someone fishes my dock. If I’m out there, I just wave and ask how it’s going. I like talking with other anglers so I kind of enjoy seeing some come by.
May 17, 2023 at 8:03 am #2203045I’ve never personally been barked at or harassed by a dock owner, but clearly some of them think you can’t even fish the water around it which is also clearly not true.
You either don’t fish docks much, or are the luckiest person ever. I can not even count how many times I’ve had a dock owner bark at or harass me. Lake Minnetonka is by far the worst. Back in the day when I use to tourney fish a fair amount. When there was a known A-hole dock owner almost every fishermen who was fishing the tourney would agree to visit that dock to do some fishing. It was a little funny to see guys lining up to take their turn at that dock.
Posts: 2101May 17, 2023 at 8:36 am #2203057Whitefish chain has a few dinks however most people are really nice, because that chain you better learn how to skip.
May 17, 2023 at 10:56 am #2203120. I could see a problem if someone was in/or close to a boat on a lift. Too many a holes out there today stealing stuff from other people, so I could see where a property owner would get mad and concerned with people on his dock or in his boat. They may be only going after their lure but how does the property owner know when they see a stranger on their dock or in their boat?
This is a major problem People steal the lift batteries right off of our dock. If I see someone on my dock I assume they are trying to steal our stuff.
We cannot leave anything in our boats ever. People suck
duh queen
Posts: 547May 17, 2023 at 11:23 am #2203127One needs to wonder how many of these dock owners are also the same yahoos who harass fishermen with their PWC’s/Wakeboats or run between a fisherman and the shoreline when it’s obvious that he’s fishing a weedline? I can handle the occasional clang of a leadhead off of a pontoon. That’s not going to hurt anyone. It’s those selfabsorbed morons with their power boats are gonna hurt someone with their recklessness!
Posts: 1780May 17, 2023 at 11:24 am #2203128As a kid my rule always was, If I can cast into your boat from my grandpas dock you’re too close. As an adult I’ve had several boats get way to close when bank fishing and try to force me out. Fishing muskies in a channel this happened. They were none too pleased when I chucked my cowgirl into their boat and tried pulling their gear out. They got mouthy, I got mouthy, they left.
Brad Dimond
Posts: 1554May 17, 2023 at 11:29 am #2203129People suck
Have to disagree. Most people are good, some people suck. I’d suggest most people reading your post don’t suck.
May 17, 2023 at 12:19 pm #2203142While I haven’t experienced it often, there are definitely known lake houses around the area that are basically flagged by the bass community. I know one on South Center that is such a Richard that some guys purposely fish his dock to get him going to the point where he is ticketed. Didn’t hear much about him last season so maybe he learned his lesson. I’ve seen multiple videos of that guy coming out of his house, getting in his boat and trying to spray anglers with his prop wash or running circles around the angler’s boat and getting very close to hitting them.
I did have a guy on Turtle Lake last season that had a buoy that said swimming area out about 20 ft from his dock and he came out and started yelling at me saying it was a swimming area and there was no fishing allowed. There was no one in the water or even in the yard so I asked him what county service came out and posted it. After stuttering a bit and complaining he said he was going to call the authorities and I informed him he can certainly do that. I thought that was a pretty funny one.
May 17, 2023 at 3:56 pm #2203219You either don’t fish docks much, or are the luckiest person ever. I can not even count how many times I’ve had a dock owner bark at or harass me.
For sure the luckiest person part here. I also stated how I have never once been checked by a conservation officer while fishing or hunting in this state in almost 25 years too. Hard to imagine but its true.
Most of my dock fishing is on a couple of smaller, less pressured lakes and I generally try to target them during the week when there are less people around. I could definitely see people on Lake Minnetonka going ballistic about their docks. I’m rarely on that lake in the summer time anymore now. Way too many boats and way too much fishing pressure.
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