Do you use your Livescope to locate fish when setting up a permanent icehouse?

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    Question is do you use your Garmin Livescope to locate fish before you set up your permanent iceshack (Ice Castle, Yetti, Legend, Grey Wolf).

    I know it’s more common for run-and-gun anglers in portables but I am wondering if any permanent icehouse users use this. I know as the season goes the lakes get crowded and you might have to just plop down where you can find a fish.

    If I’m correct you would drill a hole, use your Garmin Livescope in forward or perspective mode (don’t really know the difference) and go in a 360 degree circle in the hole to see if you find fish. If not, you’d move on until you did.

    So, do you use your Garmin Livescope to locate fish before you set up your permanent iceshack?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Yeah why not, if you can find a school of crappies suspended and then go set up on them. I don’t have livescope nor will I be buying one. But if you have it, then use it to locate fish and get set up on.
    When we drag out the fire brand, we set up on spots we know produce fish or we know the walleyes move through. That or on top of active crappies or where we know crappies will be and set up to wait for them.
    Alot of the spots I fish are window periods. The fish won’t be there all day but say 8pm comes around and they are there like clock work. We will set up knowing it will be slow for a few hours till that 8pm window

    Posts: 588

    Depends where you are and what you fishing for. If your basin crappie fishing, go for it. If your trying to graph walleyes with Livescope on Mille Lacs, good luck. You’ll spend more time and stress trying to find the “perfect spot”.

    I have spent time fishing/graphing before dropping the house down but again it depends on the lake and what time I get to the lake. It is also equally important if not more (IMO) to be able to pack up and relocate your wheelhouse quickly if your not catching fish.

    Posts: 756

    My buddy ice trolls perch with his 24′ ice castle. Scan with livescope, see a school of perch, drive wheelhouse over them, drill a few holes, hit the button on the key fob to drop the house down, and start fishing.

    We also scan towards shore with the livescope from the wheel house and when we start seeing fish up shallow, we’ll put out our tip ups. Always fun seeing a walleye come through and make bets as to which tip up it might hit.

    Posts: 122

    One of the lakes I fish has cribs, and was thinking of getting one for that alone. I have them marked on GPS, but more than once I’ve plopped down right on the top of one, as opposed to the side. Last year I used a range finder, to triangulate a perfect spot with land obstacles. I’ll see how well that works this year. I do have an underwater camera as well.

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Can you use it in down mode like a reg locator? How small of a jig can you see on the screen?

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