Do you start with an entire minnow or just minnow head?

  • usmarine0352
    Posts: 462

    I didn’t want to poach that other guy’s thread about minnow heads and this is a different question.

    I know a lot of times guys throw out a deadstick/rattle reel/tip up with a live minnow and then use a spoon or other lure with a minnow head.

    I’ve always started with an entire minnow on my spoon or jigging rod unless someone says just use the head or just heads have been working.

    What do you normally start with for your jigging rod, entire minnow or just minnow head and why?

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    It’s hard to jig a full minnow effectively. So minnow parts about same size as head part.

    The entire minnow is better for dead stick presentation. Maybe a lift check ever so once in a while. It’s not really jigging.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    Both. I love jigging a full minnow when they are hooked through the lips. I also love jigging just the minnow tail.
    Start big and work your way to smaller presentations

    Posts: 462

    Both. I love jigging a full minnow when they are hooked through the lips. I also love jigging just the minnow tail.
    Start big and work your way to smaller presentations

    So with your jigging rod what makes you start with just a minnow head or full minnow?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    I like to start with bigger presentations and work my way smaller. If the fish fly up to my spoon with a full fat head and then go away I will pull it up and pinch the body off.
    This is while having a dead stick next to me. So half the time I get fish to come to the spoon but then they hit my dead stuck thats just a red hook and minnow. Then if they won’t hit a spoon and minnow head I go to 2 dead sticks. But alot of time they will hit the full minnow on a spoon.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6720

    I always start with just the head as I feel I can control the action better. My buddy almost always starts with a full minnow. I only switch over if he is out performing me. Also like bearcat mentioned if needed try going double dead stick and maybe two different depths.

    Posts: 24578

    What do you normally start with for your jigging rod, entire minnow or just minnow head and why?

    Minnow head. Generally a jigging spoon, rap, etc is a larger presentation and I find hooking an entire minnow to be a bit bulky and affect the action of the lure. I know guys have used something like a swedish pimple with whole minnows as a deadstick which I think is fine, but if you are actively jigging it I just use the head.

    Posts: 5305

    If I’m in search mode I typically grab a jigging rap or similar w no minnow. Once I find an area with fish, whether that is catching or at least marking lookers ill setup shop w a dead stick and from there it’s a cat and mouse game to finding what they want. Head, tail, whole, it’s all fair game. Can’t really give preference over the other.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I like to start with bigger presentations and work my way smaller. If the fish fly up to my spoon with a full fat head and then go away I will pull it up and pinch the body off.
    This is while having a dead stick next to me. So half the time I get fish to come to the spoon but then they hit my dead stuck thats just a red hook and minnow. Then if they won’t hit a spoon and minnow head I go to 2 dead sticks. But alot of time they will hit the full minnow on a spoon.

    I like your logic, BC. I’ll try this.

    Maple Grove
    Posts: 116

    A related question…

    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Was catching perch tonight on full fathead jigging. They’d come up to head and not hit, game on with full minnow. Fish will tell you what’s working, trust your electronic

    Posts: 462

    Was catching perch tonight on full fathead jigging. They’d come up to head and not hit, game on with full minnow. Fish will tell you what’s working, trust your electronic


    That’s a surprise.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016


    That’s a surprise.

    Not really. I tried explaining.

    Posts: 462


    That’s a surprise.

    Not really. I tried explaining.

    It’s a surprise that they wouldn’t hit just the head but would hit the entire minnow.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    Not really. I tried explaining.

    It’s a surprise that they wouldn’t hit just the head but would hit the entire minnow.

    I lip hook the entire minnow. Not big minnows. I know crappies love that lip hooked minnow on a demon jig. I just got home from fishing and the only walleye we got was on a lip hooked fat head, and demon jig

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    A related question…

    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    50 percent.

    You start bare lure. If fish swim to it and not bite, then bait the hook.

    Posts: 3413

    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    I don’t tip with anything in open water. Ice fishing I’ll tip with part of a minnow and if they are really slamming it, I’ll try not tipping.

    Posts: 462

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DST wrote:</div>
    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    I don’t tip with anything in open water. Ice fishing I’ll tip with part of a minnow and if they are really slamming it, I’ll try not tipping.

    What’s the opposite of open water?

    Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    For those of you starting with full minnows on a treble hooked spoon, how are you hooking it? To stay alive I presume? I always use just the head or tail with mine but will try some smaller full fatheads next trip out.

    Posts: 2806

    A related question…

    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    Like another member said above, if they’re coming in and investigating a rippin rap or darter but not hitting it or my full minnow/plain hook, I’ll sometimes put a half inch piece of the tail end of a minnow on the rear treble.

    Posts: 462

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>DST wrote:</div>
    A related question…

    What percent of the time do folks place a minnow head on jigging raps or other body-style baits? What dictates when you do and when you don’t?

    Like another member said above, if they’re coming in and investigating a rippin rap or darter but not hitting it or my full minnow/plain hook, I’ll sometimes put a half inch piece of the tail end of a minnow on the rear treble.

    Tipping with head is more common.

    Did you try with the head and have more success with the tail?

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    The head is common, but the real nutritional value comes from a fish liver. If you cut the head plus guts, make sure the liver is part of it.

    When the fish are finicky, there are times where tipping with the tail will get you a hook up.

    Experiment a little and let the fish tell you what they really prefer on that day. Because sometimes they change their pattern the next day.

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