Do you lock keys in your truck?

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17379

    Locked the key in my Dodge one time. Had to have the wife drive the spare key 2 1/2 hours where I met her. She insisted on meeting at a Scandinavian gift shop. By the time I got there she had $250 worth of stuff piled up that I paid for. doah

    Like I said it only happened once and will never happen again.

    Posts: 4802

    Locked the key in my Dodge one time. Had to have the wife drive the spare key 2 1/2 hours where I met her. She insisted on meeting at a Scandinavian gift shop. By the time I got there she had $250 worth of stuff piled up that I paid for. doah

    Like I said it only happened once and will never happen again.

    Next time a locksmith call will be cheaper jester

    Posts: 9227

    Keys and garage door opener come out every night. Sounds like thats what they like to steal these days. Then when you leave they have the opener to get in your house.

    Many years my keys stayed in my truck but these days I take them out. I just need them in my pocket to get in and start it. I dont actually need anything but the fob.

    I always park in the driveway, lock my truck (key in the house), and don’t leave anything valuable in the vehicle. Yet somehow I have never ever realized that with my garage door opener hanging on the visor anyone who breaks into my truck is one button click away from 10s of thousands of dollars worth of my stuff. Mind. Blown.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
    Keys and garage door opener come out every night. Sounds like thats what they like to steal these days. Then when you leave they have the opener to get in your house.

    Many years my keys stayed in my truck but these days I take them out. I just need them in my pocket to get in and start it. I dont actually need anything but the fob.

    I always park in the driveway, lock my truck (key in the house), and don’t leave anything valuable in the vehicle. Yet somehow I have never ever realized that with my garage door opener hanging on the visor anyone who breaks into my truck is one button click away from 10s of thousands of dollars worth of my stuff. Mind. Blown.

    I don’t have that problem, if they are breaking into my truck they are already in the garage…..unless they want to use it to get out.

    Posts: 144

    I’ve also had fords with the keypad entries. I’ve been locking my keys in the vehicles for years now at boat ramps and trail accesses. I take them out of the ignition, place them out of site, lock the doors and off I go. Before that, I had worse luck taking them with me. One time, I put them in a zippered pocket and unknowingly the pocket had a small hole in it. After checking my traps I got back to the truck, and my keys were somewhere lost on the marsh. I also have fears of losing them down an ice hole like I’ve had happen to buddies, or over the edge of the boat. Just much easier and less concerning for me to leave them locked in the truck, and I’m less stressed about losing them while I’m out doing whatever.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Next time a locksmith call will be cheaper

    I was once fishing a few hours from home. As I was loading up things in the trunk of my car, I set the keys in the trunk to free up a hand. As I was closing the trunk, I realized that the keys were in there!!!

    At the time, we had a newborn at home, so there was no way my wife was coming to rescue me, and either way, I was not in an area that I had good cell service. Well, I figured I was paying for full glass coverage, so what the hell? I busted out a small side window and was on my way. rotflol

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    Didn’t know you could lock your car with the keys still in the ignition. I’ll have to try it sometime, if I can ever figure out what my keypad combo is set to. I do remember the dealer said they always had a code that works. I do know that my wifes Traverse won’t let you lock the doors if the keys are anywhere in it. Thankfully I live in a virtually zero crime area. Wouldn’t mind doing that when I’m out fishing, but I probably would leave the keys out of sight. I’ll have to swing by my Ford dealer to see how to reset my codes.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    Who the hell would leave the fob in the vehicle? For one thing you can’t lock the door.

    My 2017 F150 and my 2004 Edge lock up just fine with the fob inside the vehicle.

    So I went out to my vehicle to see if I could lock my door with the FOB inside. I put my fab inside and as I was standing outside thinking about locking my door I ask myself “if the door locks, how do I get in?” So I didn’t do it.

    Would I be close enough to touch the handle and activate the locks?

    central mn / starlake
    Posts: 484

    it’s in the setting on whether or not it locks or not.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    Who the hell would leave the fob in the vehicle? For one thing you can’t lock the door.

    My 2017 F150 and my 2004 Edge lock up just fine with the fob inside the vehicle.

    So I went out to my vehicle to see if I could lock my door with the FOB inside. I put my fab inside and as I was standing outside thinking about locking my door I ask myself “if the door locks, how do I get in?” So I didn’t do it.

    Would I be close enough to touch the handle and activate the locks?

    1st off, I don’t know what you have for a vehicle.

    On my two above vehicles to lock the fob inside the vehicle I must use the key pad.
    (A) place the keys anywhere inside the vehicle EXCEPT the ignition.
    (B) close the door and lock it by pressing, at the same time, the #8 and #9 keypad buttons.
    (C) No, at that point you can’t just reach down and open the door, otherwise anyone could do that. It is locked, remember, your keys and fob are safely locked and hidden inside.
    (D) use the key pad and enter in your personalized unlock code

    There, easy peasy.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    Ive got a gmc sierra, ill lock my keys in the truck and use the onstar app or mygmc app to unlock and/or start my truck from miles away. This is mainly while ice fishing or in the boat when i didnt want to risk losing the keys down the hole. I always have my phone with me in those situations, but i dont think this would be a convienient option for your situation.

    My buddy keeps a spare key in a lock box in his truck bed, works for him and its not like he is advertising it.

    If you have no concerns about theft, dont lock the doors.

    I know way more guys that loose their phone down the hole ice fishing than their car keys.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    I know way more guys that loose their phone down the hole ice fishing than their car keys.

    Phone down the hole? Never happened to me. whistling

    Yes, I had a Ford that did that and liked the keypad. But what if it’s a fob?
    BTW it’s a 2019 Ram. No key, no key pad. I love the FOB.

    Again, why would you leave a fob in the vehicle? because your afraid of losing it? Do people leave their cell phone and wallet in the car also?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I know way more guys that loose their phone down the hole ice fishing than their car keys.

    Phone down the hole? Never happened to me. whistling

    Yes, I had a Ford that did that and liked the keypad. But what if it’s a fob?
    BTW it’s a 2019 Ram. No key, no key pad. I love the FOB.

    Again, why would you leave a fob in the vehicle? because your afraid of losing it? Do people leave their cell phone and wallet in the car also?

    Actually, I do leave my cell and wallet in my truck, along with my cash and house keys, I hate stuff in my pockets.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    I know way more guys that loose their phone down the hole ice fishing than their car keys.

    Phone down the hole? Never happened to me. whistling

    Yes, I had a Ford that did that and liked the keypad. But what if it’s a fob?
    BTW it’s a 2019 Ram. No key, no key pad. I love the FOB.

    Again, why would you leave a fob in the vehicle? because your afraid of losing it? Do people leave their cell phone and wallet in the car also?

    Actually, I do leave my cell and wallet in my truck, along with my cash and house keys, I hate stuff in my pockets.

    Where do you park your rig? I’ll keep an eye on it. wink

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    LOL – I guess I do have a key crazy

    1. FOB-2.jpg

    2. FOB-1.jpg

    Posts: 934

    So I went out to my vehicle to see if I could lock my door with the FOB inside. I put my fab inside and as I was standing outside thinking about locking my door I ask myself “if the door locks, how do I get in?” So I didn’t do it.

    Would I be close enough to touch the handle and activate the locks?

    You could always try it with the windows rolled down. coffee

    Loren I Duerr
    Posts: 114

    On 2020 chev silverado keyless entry one of our local sheriffs found out the hard way when they left extra fob in the locked truck. The truck was stolen and smashed because with fob in vehicle all anyone can push the button on the door start the truck and drive away.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Like I said it’s in the garage, if you can get past the dogs and 2 of us shooting at you then you are pretty good.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    LOL – I guess I do have a key crazy

    Yes, I had a Ford that did that and liked the keypad. But what if it’s a fob?
    BTW it’s a 2019 Ram. No key, no key pad. I love the FOB.

    No keypad, you’re SOL. wave
    MY truck has a key/fob, my car has only the fob, no key (except the emergency key same as your Ram) They both (my car and truck) lock up the same way.
    This feature may be unique to Ford vehicles.
    Must suck to be a Ram owner. ( couldn’t find the smilies for my edit)

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    My last 3 vehicles have been fords and both my current ones are too. The keypad on the outside of the door is a big selling point for me. Ford has a patent on it that no other auto maker can duplicate. I am not sure when that patent expires but I have to think other auto makers would have started adding it if they could by now.

    I leave my keys in the center console when I worry about losing them. Out of sight of course. Like when I’m hunting. Otherwise I take them with me. I park in the garage at night and I take my keys in the house.

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    So I went out to my vehicle to see if I could lock my door with the FOB inside. I put my fab inside and as I was standing outside thinking about locking my door I ask myself “if the door locks, how do I get in?” So I didn’t do it.

    Would I be close enough to touch the handle and activate the locks?

    You could always try it with the windows rolled down. coffee

    …or, ummmm, just sit “in” the car???

    Lol I don’t have a fancy car so maybe I’m missing something? Your doors don’t lock if your FOB is inside the car?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    Lol I don’t have a fancy car so maybe I’m missing something? Your doors don’t lock if your FOB is inside the car?

    Yes, you are missing something.
    If you are inside the car, you would be controlling the locks from the inside controls.
    If your fob is on the inside but you are on the outside, the system would have to be programmed to allow you to lock the doors from the outside (while the fob is inside).
    Some vehicles are not programmed to allow this to happen.

    Posts: 435

    Wow, never thought of not grabbing keys. All my vehicles are old anyways. Hate keys in general, I buy those fancy hooks and undo the majority if I need to bring keys anywhere. Also have the hook to back door bc usually start the vehicle and me or kids always forget something in house need to grab.

    Those specific S-hooks. I had a key come unhooked from one a few times. Not sure what I did and a key hit the floor. Not on my keys anymore.

    Posts: 314

    I’m beginning to think I should be shopping for trucks at the public access instead of the dealership! 🤣.

    Being a key minimalist, few keys on the ring as possible, I don’t mind carrying them. Have Ford and use the keypad a lot to open up the door when the keys are inside the house. Keys have a spot in the glove box in the boat. Hunting is jacket weather so plenty of pockets. Only time I will lock the keys in is if someone is picking up the truck and I need to leave the keys for them.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    In regards to thieves stealing your garage door opener, not only do they have access to all your fun stuff in your garage, but in the past few years it’s been a thing also to enter the home itself through the personnel door.

    Anyway, regarding the topic of this thread, I’m actually trending in the opposite direction with my new Silverado. I just need my keys in/near the vehicle for it to run. I only got it about a month ago so my key fob/keys will stay in a coat pocket for 5 or more days at a time without moving, because I don’t need to take them out for your typical ignition.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>blackbay wrote:</div>
    My Ford won’t let me lock the door with the keys in it.

    Try closing the doors and pressing the bottom two buttons on the key pad at the same time.

    Some cars just wont lock. We pay a company to shuttle our car on river trips and had to buy a Faraday bag to block the signal and be able to lock the key in a lockbox on the car.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I’ve done the same thing Ralph!

    Lynn Seiler
    Posts: 64

    Starting with my 59 Ford, I put an extra key inside the tail light lens. The lens would come off with a a few screws and a pocket knife. There are cars sitting in junk yards with these hidden keys because I didn’t bother to retrieve them.
    I stopped doing it when manufactures made a simple bulb replacement a headache. Key pads saving me now.

    Posts: 2123

    I miss this feature! More vehicles should have keypad option.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    I put an extra key inside the tail light lens

    Or get a couple of these. Use one with a courtesy key that only unlocks the door hidden outside the cab. And one that will turn the ignition inside the cab.


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