Do you lock keys in your truck?

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  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    I have an F150 with the keypad on the door and it’s gotten to the point I don’t take the key out of the ignition. I just use the keypad when and if I need to lock it

    Now…… looking for a new truck I find myself wanting the keypad feature. Just nice not to have keys in my pocket and not worry about it

    What do you guys do? And do other vehicle makes have a similar feature?

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Every week people in our FB Neighborhood group are posting about having cars stolen. ALL of them are leaving the FOB in the vehicle. Unless you are parking your vehicle in the garage, I think that you are asking for trouble.

    Posts: 24658

    I agree with Dave. Things have gotten really bad since this Pandemic things started, I wouldnt lock keys or anything valuable in my vehicle.

    Posts: 4524

    Just get a chip imbedded in your hand and it will unlock when you walk up and just push to start.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22100

    Keys and garage door opener come out every night. Sounds like thats what they like to steal these days. Then when you leave they have the opener to get in your house.

    Many years my keys stayed in my truck but these days I take them out. I just need them in my pocket to get in and start it. I dont actually need anything but the fob.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    I live in the country with long driveway and so theft from my house is not a top concern.

    Mostly talking about going to the store or hunting or fishing it’s nice to not have to remember to take the keys.

    Unless there is a rash of stolen vehicles from public places in broad daylight I’m not aware of…..

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1524

    When I go fishing, I lock my keys in the truck, hidden from site though. At home with the truck in the driveway, the keys come in the house.

    Posts: 24658

    Unless there is a rash of stolen vehicles from public places in broad daylight I’m not aware of…..

    Its happening daily in the Mpls area. Probably not where you frequent, but its up like 587% this year. St Cloud is pretty bad now too, broad daylight people are following UPS/FedEx trucks and grabbing boxes right from people’s front steps. People are so brazen because mask use so they arent worried about getting identified.

    Posts: 5139

    Some manufacturers have a fob with no key. Just keep it in your pocket, walk up to the vehicle and it unlocks. Press button to start. Haven’t looked at trucks lately to know which manufacturers have that feature however.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Fyi, In case you didn’t know, it’s illegal here in St Paul an MPLS to leave keys in the ignition. (Running or not)


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22100

    Some manufacturers have a fob with no key. Just keep it in your pocket, walk up to the vehicle and it unlocks. Press button to start. Haven’t looked at trucks lately to know which manufacturers have that feature however.

    Most new vehicles are like this. My ram. The ladies buick both my parents gms

    Posts: 934

    My Ford won’t let me lock the door with the keys in it.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    When I go fishing, I lock my keys in the truck, hidden from site though. At home with the truck in the driveway, the keys come in the house.

    I do the same. If I’m out in the woods or on the water, I don’t need my key and/or fob. Have you checked the replacement price of those? shock
    No need to run the risk of losing or dunking the fob. I do carry my phone, as I consider that to be a safety item.

    Posts: 80

    Ive got a gmc sierra, ill lock my keys in the truck and use the onstar app or mygmc app to unlock and/or start my truck from miles away. This is mainly while ice fishing or in the boat when i didnt want to risk losing the keys down the hole. I always have my phone with me in those situations, but i dont think this would be a convienient option for your situation.

    My buddy keeps a spare key in a lock box in his truck bed, works for him and its not like he is advertising it.

    If you have no concerns about theft, dont lock the doors.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11083

    I haven’t carried a key in years.
    Only use the FOB, sometimes I used the APP (when it was free).
    It’s amazing with vehicle technology nowadays, I get an email when I need an oil change or required service.

    Who the hell would leave the fob in the vehicle? For one thing you can’t lock the door.

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Who the hell would leave the fob in the vehicle? For one thing you can’t lock the door.

    Did I forget to mention that these same people leave purses and weapons in the car as well? Andy, we aren’t in Mayberry.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    I leave the key/fob in my truck in a hidden location and lock the doors. I don’t see the need to take them out of the vehicle.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bigstorm wrote:</div>
    When I go fishing, I lock my keys in the truck, hidden from site though. At home with the truck in the driveway, the keys come in the house.

    I do the same. If I’m out in the woods or on the water, I don’t need my key and/or fob. Have you checked the replacement price of those? shock
    No need to run the risk of losing or dunking the fob. I do carry my phone, as I consider that to be a safety item.

    Keys are always tucked away out of sight when in the boat or doing anything outdoors on my ford. I go a step further, by leaving a spare hidden well in the truck at all times. My wife and a close friend or two know where it is… emergency, if I do lose a key traveling or whatever, it is there and they know the access code to get in. I wouldn’t have a truck without the outside access code after the last three had it.

    Posts: 3403

    I don’t trust anyone, so I always take my fob with. It is possible to lock the fob in the truck, but I have to try to lock it three times in order for the doors to stayed locked. My wife’s car is impossible to lock the keys inside. It won’t lock with the switch inside if the door is open, and will just honk at you if you try to lock the door by touching the lock part of the handle if the fob is inside.

    Posts: 188

    Key in the ignition, doors unlocked. Take it if you want. If for some reason I have to go down the shities I’ll keep just the fob with me.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6245

    Key in the ignition, doors unlocked. Take it if you want. If for some reason I have to go down the shities I’ll keep just the fob with me.

    When my Dad was alive he used to say the exact same thing. Take it if you want it. Granted, he didn’t have a very nice truck…… lol

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    A friend that had her car stolen with the fob in the car told us that her insurance was refusing to pay. She had recently purchased the SUV and still owed quite a bit of money on it.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    ive honestly never even considered not taking my keys with me. Ever. i understand i don’t need them while in a boat or the field but the thought never occurred to me. I don’t think i would like to do it. Having keys on me has never been a bother. About the only time i can think of that it is would be in the heat of the summer and im on the boat wearing swimming trunks.

    To your other question i do believe that the keypad feature is exclusive to Ford. I think they patented that so no other companies can use it

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    My Ford won’t let me lock the door with the keys in it.

    Try closing the doors and pressing the bottom two buttons on the key pad at the same time.

    Posts: 188

    When my Dad was alive he used to say the exact same thing. Take it if you want it. Granted, he didn’t have a very nice truck…… lol

    Haha neither do I. Rust has really started to show over the last couple years. Not worth fixing on an 07 with 250k IMO. I just keep up on the oil and fuel filter changes. When she gives up the ghost, I won’t be mad.

    Posts: 5307

    Wow, never thought of not grabbing keys. All my vehicles are old anyways. Hate keys in general, I buy those fancy hooks and undo the majority if I need to bring keys anywhere. Also have the hook to back door bc usually start the vehicle and me or kids always forget something in house need to grab.

    1. 1607026413317135448054986712397.jpg

    Posts: 1122

    All fun and games until the truck battery gets low enough to not power your keypad.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    All fun and games until the truck battery gets low enough to not power your keypad.

    Not going to happen. I’ve been away from my vehicle for 3 weeks with no issues. One time I WAS having battery issues starting the truck. Came back from 10 days in Canada to my truck which had been left at my buddies farm. Kep pad opened the doors just fine, yet starting battery just “clicked” the solenoid and would not turn over the engine.

    Who the hell would leave the fob in the vehicle? For one thing you can’t lock the door.

    My 2017 F150 and my 2004 Edge lock up just fine with the fob inside the vehicle.

    Posts: 6631

    Ive got a gmc sierra, ill lock my keys in the truck and use the onstar app or mygmc app to unlock and/or start my truck from miles away. This is mainly while ice fishing or in the boat when i didnt want to risk losing the keys down the hole. I always have my phone with me in those situations, but i dont think this would be a convienient option for your situation.

    My buddy keeps a spare key in a lock box in his truck bed, works for him and its not like he is advertising it.

    If you have no concerns about theft, dont lock the doors.

    What happens if your phone is dead? What if you don’t have service?

    What happens if your truck battery died for some reason?

    The last question too for guys using the Ford door code?

    Posts: 80

    That, my friend, is just a risk im willing to take. I guess i just like to live dangerously.

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