Do you know youth/new deer hunters who need a place to hunt in 2023?

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    As the MN firearms seasons start to wind down, I want to put out the word for next season: If you have kids who are starting to hunt or know of a new-to-deer-hunting hunter who would appreciate private land to hunt, read on.

    I own the Midwest Monster Farm near Hinckley, MN and each year I invite some youth hunters (and accompanying parents) and/or new-to-hunting deer hunters to join us at deer camp on the Farm and try their luck and enjoy a private-land classic northwoods hunt on a property managed for wildlife. The Midwest Monster Farm is a mix of cover and managed food plots and we have access to adjacent property.

    I understand how important land access is, especially to youth and new hunters. It can be very difficult and frustrating to start a hunting career on public land. I want to help bring new hunters into the sport and show them both the work and rewards that go into a managed-property deer hunt.

    Invitations are generally for one season only if the hunter is successful in harvesting a deer. Obviously, we have some repeat hunters, that’s why they call it “hunting” and not “deer shooting” mrgreen

    If you have a young hunter (all hunters must be of minimum age and all must have a Firearms Safety Certificate from MN DNR or equivalent) or if you know of a new-to-hunting hunter who would appreciate a private land hunt, I may have an opportunity for you. This is an opportunity for those who truly don’t have other options for private-land hunting, so please keep this in mind.

    Availability varies from year to year according to a variety of factors including our management goals. What I’m looking for now is simply who would be interested and the profile of the interested hunter.

    Parents need not be hunters but must attend the hunt with the youth hunter. Of course, we assist all hunters with after-harvest meat care (field dressing, transport, etc) and we have a reliable venison processor just 15 minutes from the farm. Should you have more than one youth hunter, a second mentor can be provided so each hunter can have a good individual opportunity. There are other requirements including work requirements for participating hunters, most of these involve preseason preparing stands and blinds, so no it won’t involve picking rock in food plots in July. Although… Just kidding. Restrictions as to the type of deer hunters may harvest also apply and vary by year.

    Hunters must be able to provide their own accommodation, but I have a good spot for tents or a camper. Hopefully, next year the new Monster Lodge construction will begin… but until then, it’s campers and tents.

    I don’t publish anything about our guest hunters here or on other social media, but I will tell you I had a very happy new-to-hunting guest hunter this year. Unfortunately, our youth hunters were not able to attend due to a last-minute family emergency and I totally understand how disappointed the kids were, but there’s a good hunting lesson and life lesson here, family is the priority.

    it helps me to know who might be interested in an opportunity to hunt the Midwest Monster Farm in 2023. Get in touch by PM with details of your hunter if you area interested.

    Posts: 3319

    That’s a very generous offer Grouse. Hopefully you find someone. applause

    Posts: 4802

    Very nice offer grouse. Hope you can find some kids new to hunting and make them hooked on it.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    That’s very awesome of you Grouse. Give me 4 years and I’ll have one for you!

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2851

    Super nice of you. Happy Thanksgiving Grouse!

    Posts: 2872

    That is mighty generous of you Grouse.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3205

    Just wanted to say this is awesome of you!

    Posts: 25044

    Grouse how awesome of you! Now lets hope you find someone. The age of MN Deer hunters is rising rapidly and we need to get young ones into it. Kudos!

    Posts: 852

    A great opportunity for someone.

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