Do you keep on driving?

  • stillakid2
    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    This buck is bed down along the shoulder of the road you’re traveling… still alive. Your next move is…?

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    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18999

    Did someone hit it or what? Obviously there’s something wrong with it. Huge rack tho

    Posts: 3319

    I’d call a Warden. The deer should not suffer any longer.
    If you want it he can tag it for you.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2027

    I’d call a Warden. The deer should not suffer any longer.
    If you want it he can tag it for you.


    Posts: 5321

    Well, that depends on who else is in the car w me.

    Let’s see, with that one friend, you know, that one, we’re stuffing him in the back of the gmc yukon in hopes of recreating one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history.

    With the FG, gonna stop, look at buck, look at FG, look back at buck, look back at FG and come up with some type of “I’m still hornier” one liner to repeat in the coming months at regular intervals until no longer the FG.

    That other friend we’re taking turns bucking bronco.

    That other friend, you know, that other one, lives up nort somewhere, lil less civilized, we’d quick take the backstraps and go start the grill.

    That other other friend, opposite of last said friend, gonna call in an aerial lift to the nearest animal hospital, scour the scene for clues as to capture the hunter who likes hitting shoulder blades, then start a gofundme page to reunite Mr. Buckman back to his family after gathering supporters for a bow hunters protest(I don’t hangout w this friend very often)

    Then there’s that other other other friend who’d want to take a selfie and I’d encourage him knowing there’s an excellent chance of him being impaled which presents my opportunity for a selfie with another guy taking a selfie with a g-3 thru his forearm. Classic.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 234

    25 years ago I used to drive from Vergas to Fargo for work every day. After seeing multiple deer left with mostly broken backs, I started carrying a 2×4 and large knife, to help them out. If I was on the way home I’d throw it in the back and call the Ottertail Co Sheriff and they’d throw a tag in the drawer.

    Never really could understand why people would leave those animals struggling in agony like that.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1754

    Wow thats a hell of a buck !

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9103

    Wounded deer are pretty common here. Call dispatch and they will have someone out to take care of the animal quickly. LEOs here in SE MN are regularly putting wounded deer out of their misery.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22351

    Call the sheriff and dispatch the animal. Then it would go home with me. Have a couple in the garage that were Chisago County road kills or dispatch

    Posts: 4802

    Seen this guy struggling one morning heading to work. His back was broke and couldn’t get up. cop showed up when I was driving by and I’m assuming they shot him

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    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    A few years ago we were leaving to hunt one morning at about 5am and got about three blocks from home and came upon a buck on a city street much like what Coletrain’s picture shows. Broken back as well. We called it in and waited until a cop showed, actually a deputy on his way to work and heard the call go out and stopped as it was right on his way.

    Its hard to see such great animals suffer like they do when being hit isn’t fatal right away.

    One of the crew opted for the carcass but there was way too much internal damage for me to want to deal with the deer as far as dressing it out and cutting it up. I have over the years brought home several bumnper thumpers that were basically hit in the head or had necks broken and they were not bad to work with but anything with a broken back is likely to have a mess in the back half of the animal.

    I’d still opt to kill the animal to put it out of its misery.

    Posts: 1671

    Well, that depends on who else is in the car w me.

    Let’s see, with that one friend, you know, that one, we’re stuffing him in the back of the gmc yukon in hopes of recreating one of the greatest scenes in cinematic history.

    Hit a deer one time near Pipestone on our way to Mitchell SD for work. Thought it was stone dead except for a few leg twiches occasionally. We threw it in the back of the crew truck (a flatbed pickup with toolbox sides, short tailgate), proceeded on our way. Just before Sioux Falls on I-90 a car passing us in the fast lane pointed to the back and were laughing hysterically. Looked back and the doe was sitting head upright. Quickly pulled over. Deer thrashed around violently but couldn’t get up. Had to dispatch it with maul hammer. We butchered it in hotel bathroom, and stuffed everywhere’s motel mini fridge’s freezer. We ate well for a couple weeks. It was very much like Tommy Boy mixed with Bates motel.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Call the warden and do what you can.
    Nice Deuces. rotflol Grab the back straps.

    Posts: 24976

    Its hard to see such great animals suffer like they do when being hit isn’t fatal right away.
    I’d still opt to kill the animal to put it out of its misery.

    Right I am the same way.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6795

    Dueces that may be your best post ever! waytogo rotflol

    Red Eye
    Posts: 1027

    Went to college in Rochester early 2000’s. Worked at gander mountain for a bit. There was a story of a young guy hitting a very large rack buck right on 52 in town. Game warden showed up asked if he wanted the deer. He said yes. Warden cut the head off, took the head/rack and let the kid keep the rest.

    Posts: 1862

    Yeah our county sheriff will gladly come out and get the DNR to set you up with a tag for that. Looks plenty edible to me still.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22351

    Yeah our county sheriff will gladly come out and get the DNR to set you up with a tag for that. Looks plenty edible to me still.

    The sheriff writes the tag for us. No dnr needed

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12740

    Sad way for a nice Buck to go, But it happens. In this situation, I’d put the deer out of its misery right away and then make a call to the local law enforcement or DNR warden depending on location.

    Posts: 1862

    I don’t know if the DNR is needed but around here that’s some real excitement. A random farmer from down the road that tells you “I’ve seen that buck around here the last 30 years or so” is also required.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I passed by this buck, still alive, bed down and watching me drive by. A dead doe lay in the median. I went to the next exit and turned around, drove to the next exit, turned around again. By this time, I had contacted someone to come pick it up for me (can’t haul it in the semi… just can’t… lol), and had a WI state trooper dispatched. While he was on his way, I contacted the DNR and was issued a claim tag.
    Two officers came to the scene but the one that put the animal out of its misery told me that was the biggest buck he’s ever had to put down. He also told me that he appreciated me taking the animal so it wouldn’t go to waste.
    Today, I took both hind quarters (pre-trimmed) into a processor and having about 55lbs worth of brats, sausage, and hot dogs made. The back straps are vacuum sealed and in the freezer, less one breakfast worth! I split the back straps with the animal transporter as a thank you tip, plus paid for the gas burned.
    The buck is a 19pt non-typical. I’ll have it scored after it comes home from the taxidermist, as this magnificent beast needs to be celebrated for the stud it once was.
    It had been hit on the right side, shoulder area was messed up, there were a couple of broken ribs, and the left front leg was broken from the aftermath of the impact.
    No vehicle was at the scene, nor did anyone come to the scene. Guessing a rig with a guard hit it because it should have killed the average car.
    A friend of mine… that other friend of Deuces… placed a photo with details on a Facebook group and a guy recognized it. I’ve gotten to see a video of the deer, and he claimed that he knew no one would ever kill that buck outside of the rut. He claims it never left a 200yd radius and he saw it commonly.

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    Posts: 3319

    WOW that is a dandy Ken!
    That buck deserves to be hung on a wall. Too bad it wasn’t harvested by a hunter.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    WOW that is a dandy Ken!
    That buck deserves to be hung on a wall. Too bad it wasn’t harvested by a hunter.

    I’m a hunter… rotflol wink

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