Do you feed your dog table scraps?

  • ThunderLund78
    Posts: 2906

    Condolences on the loss of your pooch. At least you were able to get a very long life and time to enjoy the company. My friend’s got a old Goldie whos hunting day are almost up, but one thing he does is he saves the heard and liver from his pheasants she flushes. He boils them and feeds them to her after each time in the field so she gets a really nice reward for a good hunt.

    Posts: 3421

    No, I hate having a dog begging/starring at us when we are eating, the only thing they get is their dry food.

    X 3

    Sorry for your loss. My dogs pretty much only get their dry dog food and any crumbs on the floor they find before I clean up. Occasionally a piece of carrot.

    My first dog was a golden retriever. Towards the end she wouldn’t eat her dry dog food. I added water to it and she ate that for a while, then stopped. Then I added some canned food which she ate for a while, then stopped. Before I took her to vet to be put down (just shy of 14 years old), I fed her a cheese burger. Boy did she like that!!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Day B4 last she got a burger-last day she got chocolate.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Another good dog joins the great IDO dog park in the sky.

    I used to feed my dogs scraps all the time. Then one got pancreatitis and I’ll never let one of my dogs or me go through that again. Pancreatitis happens alot around the holidays. It’s fatty foods that causes it.

    Now my dogs share a hard boiled egg on Sunday. They go crazy for it and then pass out for a few hours. They also get veggies and fruit and love them as much as meat. They also get plenty of dog treats.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    Day B4 last she got a burger-last day she got chocolate.

    Mom put her dog down last April. When the vet came in to administer the shot he first gave the dog two Hershey’s chocolate small candy bars. Good send off for a dog that loved to eat everything bad for him.

    Posts: 4800

    normally dont give our dogs scraps but they do get a couple raw eggs on top on there dog food every week. they love them and makes there coat shine

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22030

    Sorry for your loss Tim. Its never easy loosing a friend.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Sorry for your loss. My sister in-law said it best when we lost our last dog. The vet should drop a puppy in your lap before you leave room….

    I think it’s best for some breeds to know their place in the pack. They eat last and out of their own bowl. I’ll mix in left over meat, eggs and veggies on occasion. But my boy really loves a raw beef leg bone with the marrow still in there.


    Posts: 701

    Sorry for your loss Tim. Sounds like the dog lived a great and spoiled life grin

    I’ve got a 5 month old chocolate lab puppy. No table scraps yet and am planning to keep it that way for now. Being able to eat on the couch while the pup keeps on playing/sleeping/doing whatever and not begging sure is nice! He gets plenty of various dog treats/bones however!

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12446

    We lost both our dogs in the last year, our lab was only 6 and our boxer was almost 12. They got occasional table scraps, and when my mother in law would visit a fried egg with their breakfast every day. 30+ years ago growing up we lived on a hobby farm and had a yellow lab that ate everything, from potatoes/onions under the sink to a rotten cow a neighboring farmer buried in a field (that’s a whole other story), and all the table scraps my parents allowed. That dog had 2 huge (12+) puppy litters and lived to be 15 years old, and was the best dog we ever had.

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