Do you feed your dog table scraps?

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Sad days here because we had to say goodbye to our dog. Some say to not feed your dog table scraps and I think that is ridiculous. Dogs first interaction with us humans was in our trash piles, no Science Diet thousands of years ago. Our medium sized lab wire haired pointer mix was 17 or 18 years old! It was the oldest dog the vet had ever put down. Proof for me that regular dog food mixed with some other fun stuff is probably benificial if anything. Any other opinions out there?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11071

    I sneak the dogs cheese slices, hard boiled eggs and chips. Sometimes I let them lick the plate but most of all they love licking the bottom of the haggen dazs container.

    Posts: 461

    Sorry for your loss Tim. Our dogs get a bite of steak or chicken or whatever else on occasion. Our vet told us it’s not good for them especially our oldest who’s almost 16 now and my wife has basically all she has ever fed her was table scraps since she was a pup.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12912

    all the time!!!!!!!! ever since i can remember we’ve fed our dogs tablescraps. we were a bit careful with what though. and not to much at one time. we used to give the dogs pork and beef bones, but after my chocolate lab had to go get roto rotered i quit that!!!!!!!

    sorry for your loss Tim, putting a dog down really bites, but sometimes seeing them suffer hurts just as bad!!!!!! it took me a year and a half to replace my chocolate lab!!!!!!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13384

    Oslo’s main diet is raw meat. With that he gets a few scraps here and there to help condition his stomach to other foods. With him still being a pup he is a eating machine and we are not to worried about weight issues from table scraps at this point.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18742

    My dog is a bottomless pit. She would literally eat until she killed herself. No control whatsoever. If she got into a bag of dog food, she’d eat all of it.

    My wife gives her scraps. I eat all of my own food.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12912

    My dog is a bottomless pit. She would literally eat until she killed herself. No control whatsoever. If she got into a bag of dog food, she’d eat all of it.

    My wife gives her scraps. I eat all of my own food.

    rotflol rotflol my last lab was to, and looks like this one will be also.!!!!!!!!

    i also have a 14 year old sheltie, i do not want to keep my lab in a kennel at nite anymore, he’s 8 months old, but its the only way i know the sheltie will get to eat.during the nite.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Sorry for your loss Tim. We have always given our dogs table scraps. Just careful what we gave them. My Lab always got treats from the table and she was 15 years when we lost her.

    Posts: 1277

    Of all of my dog owning friends, every single one feeds their dogs table scraps as treats. My dogs love when we grill meat, as they all get a bite…lol. Carrots are another favorite treat.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    No, I hate having a dog begging/starring at us when we are eating, the only thing they get is their dry food.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    That sucks Tim, sorry for your loss. My doberman gets a few treats here and there. Her favorites are sugar snap peas and blueberries. Our Aussie likes bananas. Obviously no dog will turn down a bite of steak, or bacon etc, but other foods are perfectly safe and super beneficial for them. I feel better giving them those than those dried up olroy biscuits. I’m a member of the clean plate club so unfortunately they rarely get table scraps.

    1. Screenshot_20210619-095537_Instagram.jpg

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12912

    That sucks Tim, sorry for your loss. My doberman gets a few treats here and there. Her favorites are sugar snap peas and blueberries. Our Aussie likes bananas. Obviously no dog will turn down a bite of steak, or bacon etc, but other foods are perfectly safe and super beneficial for them. I feel better giving them those than those dried up olroy biscuits. I’m a member of the clean plate club so unfortunately they rarely get table scraps.

    that’s an interesting chart. Was that made by vegans!!! jester whistling

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eyeguy507 wrote:</div>
    That sucks Tim, sorry for your loss. My doberman gets a few treats here and there. Her favorites are sugar snap peas and blueberries. Our Aussie likes bananas. Obviously no dog will turn down a bite of steak, or bacon etc, but other foods are perfectly safe and super beneficial for them. I feel better giving them those than those dried up olroy biscuits. I’m a member of the clean plate club so unfortunately they rarely get table scraps.

    that’s an interesting chart. Was that made by vegans!!! jester whistling

    It may have been? Like I said, no dog will turn down meat but there are plenty of healthy alternatives. We mix in some of the freshpet for variety. We try not to give our dogs scraps that will make them spray the yard!

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1592

    Ours gets kibble and occasional fruits and vegetables. He loves apples, raw carrots and fresh green beans. Caught him following me while I was harvesting beans and putting them in a collander. He was following behind grabbing beans when he thought I wasn’t looking.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3409

    Never directly from the table to the dog, that’s how you get a beggar which I can’t stand. Drives me crazy when I go to a friends house and their dog is drooling at my feet because I’m eating a meal. If I have left over protein or rice, I will mix it in with my dogs kibble. I’m also very conscious of my dogs weight because she’s a retriever and they are notorious for hip and joint problems when they are older. I make a point to keep her between 50-55 lbs which the vet said is the ideal weight for her. I had a similar retriever growing up that was over fed and over weight and she really suffered a lot in her last few years because of that.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    Sophie girl gets healthy scraps every day and also a raw egg on her dog food every day

    The Back 40
    Posts: 1955

    No, I hate having a dog begging/starring at us when we are eating, the only thing they get is their dry food.

    Same…I don’t think there is much wrong health wise but yes, once they start eating table scrapes, the begging begins!

    Pillager, Mn.
    Posts: 137

    My dog get cooked egg whites for breakfast, and I pop corn for his evening treat, but he only gets a handful, and no butter or salt. He loves it!

    Rich Stuhr
    South Dakota
    Posts: 30

    Condolences on your dog’s passing, just put my 13 yo GWP down on April 1. Dogs can and will eat anything and everything if given the chance. I always figured that would be my dog’s demise someday but other than an upset stomach once in awhile she was fine. Over the years she consumed lead loaded shot gun shells, 2 or 3 dog mats, many decomposed critters she found (after rolling on them first), and hundreds of baby birds and rabbits. The best one was an antique handmade doily that my wife inherited from her Grandma…the pooch ate that down as a snack one day too and we were both in the doghouse. Luckily, I happened to be outside with the dog the next day when she passed it so I picked it up with a stick to proudly show my wife our good fortune…back to doghouse I went!

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3409

    Same…I don’t think there is much wrong health wise but yes, once they start eating table scrapes, the begging begins!

    Nutritionally there’s nothing wrong with most human foods. It’s the surplus to their caloric intake that is the issue. Something like 30-40% of dogs in America are overweight per a quick search. Just like humans, obesity reduces life expectancy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18981

    We sometimes mix leftover meat and vegetables with their kibble. A potato chip or piece of cheese now and then and always a piece of whatever meat we are eating at breakfast on the weekend. Usually a couple of medium sized Milk Bones daily. Our dogs are lean and mean. My last golden made it almost 16 years under the same conditions.
    Oh, there was that chipmunk my golden pup swallowed whole last weekend…

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    Thank you for all the kind words and funny stories, gave us a much needed smile and laugh. Always cut back on kibble if she got lots of other calories, she was never overweight. Lots of the table stuff was fruits and veggies. The bacteria in our gut florishes with a big variety of foods-pouring out the same stuff from the same bag or can cannot do that IMO. You can listen to your vet who sells pet food if you like.

    Posts: 2849

    Sorry for your loss Tim.
    We give our pooch a few bites of whatever comes off the grill but mostly fruits and veggies.I will give her a small bit of cheese or a chip once in awhile and of course the ice cream bowl.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3409

    We sometimes mix leftover meat and vegetables with their kibble. A potato chip or piece of cheese now and then and always a piece of whatever meat we are eating at breakfast on the weekend. Usually a couple of medium sized Milk Bones daily. Our dogs are lean and mean. My last golden made it almost 16 years under the same conditions.
    Oh, there was that chipmunk my golden pup swallowed whole last weekend…

    16 years is a heck of a run with a golden! Whatever you’re doing, keep doing that!

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11071

    Our Vet said you should see the dog’s rib cage. I’m glad he didn’t say anything about the dogs owner. frown

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3409

    Our Vet said you should see the dog’s rib cage. I’m glad he didn’t say anything about the dogs owner. frown

    Lol. You’re spot on. It obviously varies by breed but I’ve seen a similar chart as below in a couple different vet offices before

    1. 38A74813-22F8-4ACA-BE6D-BE037742E102.jpeg

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4317

    Our Vet said you should see the dog’s rib cage. I’m glad he didn’t say anything about the dogs owner. frown


    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22016

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>onestout wrote:</div>
    No, I hate having a dog begging/starring at us when we are eating, the only thing they get is their dry food.

    Same…I don’t think there is much wrong health wise but yes, once they start eating table scrapes, the begging begins!

    Would never consider my shepherd a bagger. She might look at us. I tell her no and she leaves.

    Posts: 2224

    Keep you dog at its target high performance weight. Joint issues and even diabetes can occur with dogs on the heavy side (just like their owners).

    Our dogs get meat and eggs at times. When hunting hard in the fall I often cook up 80% lean burger and supplement feed them rather than feed them more or find higher calorie food.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    My dog was a pro moocher (not a beggar) no barking or whining, just eyes that said: ‘ You can see that I am very very sweet, my owners are nice enough but they just don’t feed me and I could die..’
    She of course ate very well over here and missed out on some grilled ribeye last night. sad

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