I grew up when being in the sun all day was a given and the word “sunscreen” hadn’t even been coined yet. Over the years I began wearing sun blocking clothing if I was going to get any major league exposure and on occasion I’d juice up with sunscreen on the areas clothes didn’t cover. I found out yesterday how much more protection I should have used against sun exposure and I also found out yesterday that the small spot [compared to what the picture shows] was probably rooted over fifty years ago.
I really don’t want any of ya’ll to have to spend 5 hours getting lidocaine injections and a surgeon cutting away at your face to get to the end of something you cannot even see, like I did. And yes, this procedure did get into facial/eye control, muscles and nerves so its more than just cosmetic.
I’ll be using spf100 sunscreen from now on but I think the damage has been done. I’d urge anyone who doesn’t use sunscreen to start and do so religiously all year since even winter sun can be bad. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for your wife/sig other, kids, grandkids, and parent/grandparents. I never imagined being carved like this. I know a lot of you use/wear the sun blocking clothes and also lotion up with the sunscreen products. Keep it up! For those who don’t protect themselves, give some serious thought to starting.