Do Cattails mess up the ice?

  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5909

    I think the answer is ‘yes’ they decompose and that is a problem. So I go to a small lake and you have to go near and cut threw maybe a 6′ section of cattails, was thinking of going tomorrow morning. Have never had a problem before but have always gone later in the season-want to get out before the wind and snow hit-would probably bring a spud and picks.
    Oh-lake is in the metro

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18246

    When I’m pheasant hunting in cattails, and I know they haven’t fully froze solid yet, I avoid walking in areas with dark colored ice. I’ve stepped through more than once and it ruined my day. Try to walk in areas that are more open rather than right through the thickest portion of the cattails…or wait until they freeze hard. Obviously its a little different given that I’m walking sloughs and swamps and you’re talking about a sizeable lake.

    Posts: 6687

    Cattails can conduct heat to the ice/water reducing the thickness.

    Cattails and other vegetation, as well as rocks and logs, conduct heat, weakening the ice.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    When I’m pheasant hunting in cattails, and I know they haven’t fully froze solid yet, I avoid walking in areas with dark colored ice. I’ve stepped through more than once and it ruined my day.

    What he said! I’ve been hip-deep more than once–it’s less than pleasant. rotflol

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21157

    There is a lake that we cut through cat tails to get on. Early ice i won’t do it. Once its a solid freeze then its perfectly fine.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18246

    Give it about 3-4 days and those areas should be concrete. There are a couple nights of below zero coming up.

    Posts: 12137

    Agree with all of above. I was on a metro lake with 5 inches open water next to cattails. I would avoid in metro until it gets cold.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5909

    Thanks Guys, think I’ll go to another plan.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5909

    BTW the lake is maybe 20acres but about 45′ deep, and very clear.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5909

    Sure now I can slog threw a foot of snow.
    Tried to go to White Bear but a half submerged fish house had me heading for another lake.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17021

    Lots of winter left. You don’t need to fall through the ice today.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21157

    Keep the boat out. You would be on top of some good water.
    If I remember your girlfriend os something said you can’t, but now this snow on the ice is riskier for exploring then going down the river

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5909

    She does not like the whole river idea, if I get to know a stretch in the summer she will be fine having me extend it. She has been a lot less skitish about my fishing stuff since I about doubled my life insurance! (not kidding)
    And yup it would have been nice to have a nice thick sheet B4 we got this thick white blanket

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