DNR, Dynamite and Deer Stands

  • FinnyDinDin
    Posts: 973

    you know how many logged out areas up there i’ve come across in the years i’ve been up there where they logged right around those old delapated stands………hundreds!!!

    Have you ever wondered why that might be? Do you seriously think it is because the government is okay with you putting a stand on government land?

    The logging companies pay for logging rights. The government doesn’t log. Do you think the logging company wants to send a tree through their harvester that is full of nails and screws?

    Thanks for pointing out one of many reasons permanent stands are illegal on public ground.

    It amazes me people can’t see all the reasons they are illegal. Or maybe it is just selfishness and they don’t care about impeding on others rights on public property.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12707

    jester jester jester jester whatever.keep on your holy crusade!!!!!!

    Posts: 973

    I’m on no crusade Glenn. I don’t even deer hunt anymore. Just trying to point out how selfish it is to put a permie on PUBLIC land. Literally every post in this thread by people who have them point out why they should be illegal. Just take a look at big g. It appears he thinks his hunting group owns an area because they built stands on public property. Every hunter should know to stay off that chunk of public property because they have permanent stands there. If you sit in their stands they’ll just sit 100 yards away right on the deer trail and ruin your hunt. Clearly they see no ethical dilemma in that. Blows my mind.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12707

    That stand has been there for over 30 years used by me and when it was legal to do so!!

    I know how it works back there, thebother group uses it when I’m not there and has no issue with said stand. There hasn’t been new people or groups back there in years

    Noone going to change my mind, I just don’t see it a big deal, and I won’t change anyone else’s mind, so I’m checking out. The stuff that happens up there is something else, if permanent stands would be the worst thing going on it be a good day!

    Posts: 24258

    Finny seems awfully triggered. Stands on public land are NOT illegal everywhere. Time to educate yourself. Tax forfeited land is fair game as is count land in many counties.

    Posts: 973

    Finny seems awfully triggered. Stands on public land are NOT illegal everywhere. Time to educate yourself. Tax forfeited land is fair game as is count land in many counties.

    Yea you’re right, I’m so triggered bro! lol

    If it’s legal have at it. 6% of MN land is tax forfeited. 1% is county land. 18% is state and federal. All the guys who want to put up a permanent should stay on the 6% tax forfeited and whatever counties allow it. Leave the rest of the public land to the public. Do you agree with that captain?

    I hunt a ton of state and federal land. My house is surrounded by thousands of square miles of state land and my cabin is surrounded by thousands of square miles of federal land. I see illegal stands all over the place while walking the woods for upland. Maybe I need to start carrying some tannerite with me and pull a DNR on some stands. lol

    Posts: 24258

    Finny I don’t see permanent stands on lands where they shouldn’t be so I could care less. Where I’ve hunted people have followed what the rules and laws say.

    Posts: 973

    Well that’s good to hear captain. I guess you don’t hunt around some of the IDO’ers on here or up north where there are lots of illegal stands.

    The saying is, ‘I couldn’t care less’. If you could care less, then that means you care. If someone puts up a permie’s on public land where you hunt I bet you could care less.

    Kinda odd you posted if you couldn’t care less but what do I care. Around we go! jester

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22799

    Funny… did you see my stand ? Do you think they want to harvest it ? It’s not touching any trees and can be hauled out the same way it was hauled in. Like said, stay up there on your high horse and I will worry about how my perm temporary stand affects there mills. I happen to be on tax forfeited county land… perfectly legal. If you think Going 100 yards away is dirty, you need to come and see where we hunt. To think you know it all and your proving you don’t know chit.

    Posts: 973

    Funny… did you see my stand ? Do you think they want to harvest it ? It’s not touching any trees and can be hauled out the same way it was hauled in. Like said, stay up there on your high horse and I will worry about how my perm temporary stand affects there mills. Get a grip.

    I see you conveniently ignored the rest of my points.

    How many times has your group sat 100 yards away from a hunter in ‘your stand’ in order to ruin their hunt and bully them off public land?

    Posts: 24258

    Finny give it a rest! If they are relictioning their stand to someone else on public land that is perfectly legal. Get off the high horse already.

    Posts: 973

    Captain, but what if the permanent stand itself is illegal? Letting someone sit in your illegal stand makes things legal? Or just part of it?

    Sitting on a high horse on public land would be more legal right? I’m not familiar with the horse laws relating to deer hunting so I could be wrong.

    Posts: 24258

    Captain, but what if the permanent stand itself is illegal? Letting someone sit in your illegal stand makes things legal? Or just part of it?

    What part of where I said where a permanent stand is legal do you NOT understand? I have said it countless times. There are places where it is completely legal to do so and I have no problem with that.

    Posts: 973

    Captain, I must have missed it. Point it out for me in your quote that I responded to. I don’t see it in your other posts either.

    If Big g’s stand was on public property that allows permanent stands I would have guess he would have mentioned that. That was the topic at hand.

    Finny give it a rest! If they are relictioning their stand to someone else on public land that is perfectly legal. Get off the high horse already.

    Posts: 24258

    I have probably 10 comments in this thread and I have said it multiple times. It was not in the quote you replied to but its elsewhere.

    Posts: 1752

    Wow so agro in here. When I was kid the old timers would get together every couple of years to blast a beaver dam on the river. The DNR would park on the bridge nearby and look the other way as these guys would take old dynamite out of their sheds and blow the dam. I always avoided those sheds wondering just how much old leaky dynamite was still stored in there. I’m surprised the DNR could even get dynamite anymore, I figured once them old timers were gone the days of blasting would be over.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12431

    Big G – You don’t have that stand sitting on Public land do you ?

    Posts: 1150

    I don’t get the big deal. I don’t think I’ve ever stepped foot on public land and not seen a permanent stand. If someone has their stand on public, don’t go crying about your fine or if it goes missing. Classic FAFO scenario, otherwise I could care less.

    What I do see that bums me out is Busch Light cans. Never Coors, never Miller, never Grain Belt. Almost always locals (not “cidiots”). Wish the DNR put all that energy into finding people who litter.

    Posts: 24258

    Big G – You don’t have that stand sitting on Public land do you ?

    He said tax forfeited land so yes its public.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12431

    We use have a potlatch lease that we use to hunt on. There was a Powerline running all along the edge of the Lease land. On one side of the lease was some private property on the other side of the lease was some state or county land. The powerline ran along side all three. We had permission to hunt the private land owners land. We built one stand on the private owners land on the powerline, Another one along the powerline on our potlatch lease hand. and a 3rd one on the powerline on the state land. For the first few years we never had a problem with anyone on any of the stand. About our 3rd or 4th year a rather large group started hunting the State land. One opening morning we found people sitting in all 3 stands. After a somewhat tense conversation with them. Informed them one of the stands was on private property and one on our potlatch lease property they decided to vacate those 2 stands. For the final 6+ years that we had the potlatch lease we had a fair # of problems with that group. They often would show up late in the morning and drive their auto’s all the way down the powerline ( Marked as non Motorized travel only ) and Back their auto into the brush as loud as possible. Sit someplace on the state land for about a hour or so and then leave. Only to do the same near last light. I told several members of their party that their auto’s were parked directly in line with many possible shots with deer crossing the powerline. They also said so what. My auto better not get shot. There were several times where they almost were. The private property owner and new potlatch lease owner also had nothing but problems with them after we canceled out lease there.,

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8813

    IDO needs the popcorn eating emoji. I haven’t seen a back and forth over stands on public land in here, so it’s a refreshing new debate.

    Thankfully I have no desire to hunt public land here. For those who do, this thread is a great reminder of all the potential issues that can/will arise over time.

    DNR – I like the dynamite for style points. Keep it coming.

    Posts: 190

    I know how it works back there, thebother group uses it when I’m not there and has no issue with said stand. There hasn’t been new people or groups back there in years

    This is exactly the problem. A very logical reason why there haven’t been any new people back there is because they stumble on your stand and choose to avoid going down the road of potentially running into someone that thinks its “their” stand because they’ve “been hunting this spot for years with no issues”…..

    Especially when both parties are carrying firearms, I will always choose to avoid those types of conflict situations, regardless of me being 100% legal to hunt that spot.

    The problem with permanent stands is a lot of the time, the person who built the stand has a sense of entitlement to it (i.e. “thats my stand that I’ve been hunting for years”) whether they want to admit it or not. And if they show up and someone is in the stand, they will likely at the very least start a conversation with them and will make it known that they built it and usually hunt it.

    Case and point:

    we talked… i basically said i built it

    We have perms on county land and if and when somebody is sitting in them, we will just hunt about 100 yards away on the deer trail leading to them.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12332

    Stands on public land are NOT illegal everywhere. Time to educate yourself. Tax forfeited land is fair game as is count land in many counties.

    Where did you read that? I didn’t find anything in the regs about putting a permanent up being legal on county or tax forfeited land.

    FWIW I don’t think it’s right but I don’t really care if people leave cameras, portables or permanents out (as long as they are removed eventually), just don’t be surprised NOR upset if/when they walk off, someone else uses them, or the DNR destroys them. I do find it kinda comical/hypocritical the most follow the law guys on any other topic are also like “f the law I do what I want”, so they can waddle out to their enclosed stand on public land. rotflol I

    ‘d also be curious to know if any of you ever shoot mature bucks out of these permies on public?

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1808

    Permanent stands shouldn’t be on public land, but the dnr using dynamite is absolutely idiotic and lazy. The selfishness of some on here is concerning.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1808

    We have perms on county land and if and when somebody is sitting in them, we will just hunt about 100 yards away on the deer trail leading to them. Common sense is not common. As far as dynamite, I would think a sawzall would render them worthless much cheaper.

    This attitude is the problem. Wow.
    Entitlement at is finest. Its OK that you’re in “my stand” I’ll just sit over here and interrupt your hunt. Classy move Big G.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22799

    Not at all. Lots of snob hunters here… butthurt because if I drive my atv in the woods a mile and find someone in the perm (hasn’t happened yet, but I am sure at least 14 people seen it and passed on the area) I will give them 2 ridges and I will move over. Bunch of twisted panties in here.

    Posts: 1752

    I don’t even hunt and it took less than three minutes to learn that tax forfeited land rules vary county to county. Of the three county sites I actually checked none of them allowed permanent blinds. But hey keep going at it, my microwave just dinged, popcorns ready.

    Posts: 1150

    It’s always the people you most suspect

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22799

    Yup, the same pantie bunchers. I hunt the right way… I don’t speed… I fish correctly always… I leave the tag on my mattress. jester

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6670

    permanent blinds

    Were not talking about box blinds here, well except maybe Big G. Just a platform with a railing in a tree. I guess I don’t see the harm. I am not going to speak to the legal side of it. whistling

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