DNR, Dynamite and Deer Stands

  • blackbay
    Posts: 950

    Anyone see that the DNR apparently blew up deer stands in Bowstring State Forest recently?https://kdhlradio.com/ixp/911/p/minnesota-dnr-blows-up-deer-stands-with-dynamite/ Whether you agree with using permanent stands or not isn’t so much the issue. It’s the method the state decided to use that I think is way over the top. Not the mention they didn’t even clean up the mess, which litter supposedly part of the problem.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2106

    something is just wrong the way they did that

    Posts: 3319

    That is just wrong. I’m sure the DNR would not allow the general public to blow up a stand and just leave the residue/trash behind. Someone should lose their job over this decision. JMO

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22329

    I’m guessing they had no man hours to waste taking stands down so some idiot decided dynamite was the right choice. Kind of strange actually. They should have to clean it up, that would be the right thing to do.

    Posts: 219

    doesn’t bother me one bit. with the mass number of stands left on public land that need to be taken care of, its not practical to take them down screw by screw the way they were assembled. people leaving permanent stands on public to “claim” their spot is a big issue in the places I hunt and I applaud the DNR for doing something about it.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    doesn’t bother me one bit. with the mass number of stands left on public land that need to be taken care of, its not practical to take them down screw by screw the way they were assembled. people leaving permanent stands on public to “claim” their spot is a big issue in the places I hunt and I applaud the DNR for doing something about it.

    so..you have no issue leaving garbage/litter/junk in the woods??????

    i hunt off permanent stands. on public land. to the best of my knowledge there legal but anyone can use it. and i’m good with that. i know the group that hunts in our general area. i know where they hunt, they now where i hunt…..and we respect each others space.

    i just recently took down a permy stand………and hauled everything out. with that being said its my understanding on certain types of public land pery stands are not allowed, i know folks that hunt that have been told to take them down but for the life of me i dont remember what those requirements are????/

    Posts: 2872

    That seems like a plan thought up at bar time.

    Posts: 6688

    Glenn, that’s the whole problem with permanent stands on public land.

    “I know where they hunt, they know where I hunt…..and we respect each others space.”

    What happens when either of you find a third party hunter sitting in “your” stand on opening morning?

    What happens if a whole group of third party hunters filled ALL of “the public” stands on opening morning??

    St. Paul MN
    Posts: 1944

    Glenn, that’s the whole problem with permanent stands on public land.

    “I know where they hunt, they know where I hunt…..and we respect each others space.”

    What happens when either of you find a third party hunter sitting in “your” stand on opening morning?

    What happens if a whole group of third party hunters filled ALL of “the public” stands on opening morning??


    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    B-man…….i’ve had that happen once in all my years of hunting….and that was when i was right out of high school. we talked…i basically said i built, he said he did. i left. hunted somewhere else came back about noon and he was gone!!!!other then that never happened.

    regarding a 3rd party on my stand opening morning…….they better get up pretty early. i park right by the trail that goes back to where i hunt….a pretty good indication i’m back there.

    a whole group……there’s been new people back in that area but no issues….fact is up where i hunt there are less and less hunters. not saying it would happen……just hasnt for me yet.

    i totally hear what your saying……and i’ve heard stories just never ran into issues. we go pretty fsr back, and i know some older guys in the other group sit closer to the trail but it is whay it is.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9092

    Thinking outside the box. I like it.

    Posts: 3319

    Everyone on this site complains about slobs/dirtbags that leave garbage on the ice, garbage at shore fishing spots, trash in the water, etc. BUT since its a permanent stand on public land it’s OK to leave the trash in the woods?????

    ??? shock waytogo

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Near our place it is illegal to have permanent stands on pu lic land but there were several out there and for a lot of years, like 2-3 stands in the same location as the old ine wasn’t safe anymore. I used to hunt out of them once in a while, I even talked to one of the guys that built them when he was out grouse hunting and walked by me bowhunting, wasn’t a big deal I was using it. Then one year on opening day the dnr went out and anyone hunting in them got fined and they got to spend the day taking the stand they were in down. There aren’t any stands out there anymore.

    Posts: 599

    There are very few problems where dynamite is the best solution.

    Posts: 1285

    Personally, I like permanent stands on public land. When I am scouting, it lets me know others could be hunting there. The last thing I want to do is spend time scouting, and return to hunt only to find out others are there also. Seeing a permanent stand lets me know where likely pressure may occur – and plan accordingly. I like being alone when I am hunting.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    I posted this in another thread, but years ago my uncle went out to wooden permanent built stand on opener and there was a Father/Son sitting in it. He even had put his portable heater in there the day before and they were using it.

    I told my uncle more than once ahead of time that stands left on public land are for public use. The situation did not go well.

    He walked to the next piece and found a nice hard rock to sit on instead. The next morning he got to the stand very early and the whole thing was chainsawed apart and laying in the swamp.

    Posts: 24958

    OUch Gim! That is pi$$ poor of the father and son to do that. THey had every right to sit in it but to destroy it and assumingly steal his heater?! What did that father just teach his kid? Despicable.

    Posts: 3472

    DNR guy, “Oh, there’s another permanent stand on public lands. Gotta match? Here, hold my beer!!” rotflol

    Didn’t they used to torch fish houses left out past the removal date?

    Reef W
    Posts: 3188

    DNR guy, “Oh, there’s another permanent stand on public lands. Gotta match? Here, hold my beer!!” rotflol

    Sounds like someone read their handbook and said “it doesn’t say we can’t use dynamite”.

    Posts: 3319

    Didn’t they used to torch fish houses left out past the removal date?

    Burning it would leave less of a mess in my opinion.

    I doubt if the DNR would allow an owner of a stand to use dynamite for removal.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    Really dumb move by the DNR regardless of the circumstances, but even more so since they were on trailers, not tied into the trees. And possibly opened up a bigger can of worms since it was a Leech Tribal members stands and within the reservation boundaries as well. Guessing this ends up costing the taxpayers a payout on a backroom deal, or more land giveaways in the news.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    After attempts by the DNR to get a response from the owners of the stands, I suspect the DNR wanted to get some attention. I’d say, mission accomplished.

    “For its part, the DNR tells the Duluth News-Tribune that the stands were tagged for removal in October and efforts to reach the owner of the deer stands were unsuccessful.”

    Posts: 24958

    It was also mentioned that those actions they took were unnecessary so there is that.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Use that dynamite on beaver dams!

    Posts: 3319

    It’s another black eye for the DNR.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    Although Dynamite seems a little drastic. I think them removing permanent stands on Public property is a good idea. Way to many people get in ugly fights over them and with Gun involved that is asking for trouble.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Netguy wrote:</div>
    DNR guy, “Oh, there’s another permanent stand on public lands. Gotta match? Here, hold my beer!!” rotflol

    Sounds like someone read their handbook and said “it doesn’t say we can’t use dynamite”.

    Exactly, what I was thinking. Of all the things that the employee handbook should be crystal clear about, the circumstances under which employee use of dynamite is authorized is probably near the top of the list.

    Somewhere out there, there’s a DNR supervisor doing a lot of extra paperwork this week.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12734

    I like the Final Line in the story

    ” Despite that, the DNR concedes that the action ‘didn’t reflect good judgement.”

    You Think !!!! And the DNR wonders why they get such a bad Rap.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    considering every other day there seems to be a fire warning up there……yea smart move!!!! doah

    i’m a minority here but i see no issues with permy stands……not changing my mind either!!!!!

    Posts: 24958

    considering every other day there seems to be a fire warning up there……yea smart move!!!!

    We need Gim aka Belle to chime in on the drought index to make an official statement on the matter.

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