DNR 2020 boating survey

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Anybody else get this email?
    Pretty good survey, asked about public accesses, decon stations and a few questions on wake boats among other items.

    The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is asking boat owners throughout Minnesota to complete a survey to help us understand your experiences and improve services for the boating community. This survey is being sent to a select group of boaters, so your participation is very important to the success of this study.
    Follow this link to complete the survey. Or use this accessible survey that works better with screen readers. Please consider this past boating season (2020) when answering the questions.

    The survey will take about 10-15 minutes and your answers will remain completely confidential. Thank you for your time and feedback.

    Posts: 2123

    Yeah lol I just did it. It was interesting about the wake surfing questions.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I just filled it out as well. I think I remember one last season also but it may have been a different survey.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    doah bawling guess i’m not special. i didnt get it, or i dumped it already!!! coffee whistling

    Posts: 155

    I just finished it before coming here. Answered negatively on all wake boat questions.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I just finished it before coming here. Answered negatively on all wake boat questions.

    I cancelled out your opinions.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I’m gonna go ahead and say that pretty much everyone who completes this survey except wake boat owners will respond negatively about wake boats, myself included. There seems to be a vast dislike for them by most.

    Posts: 3239

    I’m gonna go ahead and say that pretty much everyone who completes this survey except wake boat owners will respond negatively about wake boats, myself included. There seems to be a vast dislike for them by most.

    What he said.

    Cody Meyers
    Posts: 466

    I did mine, I think it’s important to reply to those surveys.

    Wonder if everybody that licensed a boat got one?

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    I register a fishing boat and tritoon in Minnesota and did not receive any survey. Where did everyone see this who got one?

    I’d love to jump on board with speaking the truth about wake boats and wake surfing in general. If laws about being responsible for your wake were truly enforced, there’d be a lot more MNDNR revenue coming in.

    Posts: 1291

    I just finished it before coming here. Answered negatively on all wake boat questions.

    I hope they have this in WI,I would substitute wake boats for juiced-up mud motor boats.You know,the ones that rip-up the vegetation and can hear miles away.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Here is the link for anyone that didn’t get the email, it’s worth while to fill out the whole survey and voice your thoughts: https://confidential-survey.com/datafile/MinnBoaterSurvey.htm

    I have a only have a kayak registered to my name, but I’m subscribed to a lot of the DNR emails so not sure which one prompted me to get it.


    I answered as negatively as possible on all wake surfing rigs as well. Some of the worst situations I’ve encountered on the river do not involve the wake surfing boats with ballast, rather giant cruisers being used as wake boats anyways. Regardless of the design of the boat – it’s time the laws about being responsible for one’s wake are enforced.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    Just finished it this morning. I agree with the general consensus on wake boats but I was also interested in the registration fee’s questions. I have no problem paying a little more if they truly use the money to improve the accesses but what does everyone else feel?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I have no problem paying a little more if they truly use the money to improve the accesses but what does everyone else feel?

    I’m fine with that too. Upgraded launch points, more parking spots, and better enforcement of existing laws would be a welcome increase in fees in my book. Frankly, I think $27 bucks every 3 years is a steal to license a watercraft.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Just finished it this morning. I agree with the general consensus on wake boats but I was also interested in the registration fee’s questions. I have no problem paying a little more if they truly use the money to improve the accesses but what does everyone else feel?

    I stated I’d be ok with marginal increases if it solely goes into improving existing accesses and enforcement of laws/regulations. If the increases just go into some general fund, then I’d say no. It’s similar to my position on fishing license increases. If it would be in legislation that increases went 100% to CO’s enforcement and stocking programs, I’d support it.

    West Metro
    Posts: 211

    Just finished it this morning. I agree with the general consensus on wake boats but I was also interested in the registration fee’s questions. I have no problem paying a little more if they truly use the money to improve the accesses but what does everyone else feel?

    I said I would be okay with increases if it went solely to more enforcement. I’d be fine if it meant improvements to launches also but wanted to drive home the point we need more on the water enforcement for boater safety.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Thank you Ben for providing the link.

    I do have a problem with some wake boats. Just like anything else it only takes a couple to mess it up for others. Like when they come so close to me my boat takes on water over the bow. They should be allowed to enjoy the water like everyone else but they shouldn’t be taking away my enjoyment at the same time.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I get that wake boats annoy you guys, but there are bad apples that give responsible drivers a bad rap. I don’t think more regulations that go unenforced are the answer. If they’d better educate and enforce the regs we have, I think there would be less problems.

    Personally, I see jetskis and unobservant tube towers as a bigger hazard. If you’re surfing, correctly, you’re in deep water going 10 mph in a straight line. That should be tolerable for everyone.

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Ben thanks for the link. Went and filled out the survey this morning.

    Posts: 5307

    Not a short one is it. Finally got time to get er done.

    The random inquiry about ones media intake was a little strange but perhaps they are trying to figure out the demographics?

    Wake boats….pretty easy to find out who has boats smaller than 17′ in here devil

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Wake boats….pretty easy to find out who has boats smaller than 17′ in here

    How do you figure?

    Posts: 5307

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mr.Beads wrote:</div>
    Wake boats….pretty easy to find out who has boats smaller than 17′ in here

    How do you figure?

    Was a joke from my own experiences. When Im in the 14′ waves are always on my radar, in my 19′ they become much less a thought.

    Bigger is better at times. cool

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Was a joke from my own experiences. When Im in the 14′ waves are always on my radar, in my 19′ they become much less a thought.

    Bigger is better at times

    Ah, gotcha. I’ve got an 18 foot boat and I still take those big waves over the gunnel and bow though.

    Ike Sell
    Posts: 82

    Ya, got it and took it.

    Wake boats – I won’t lie, I’m not a fan. Regulation will prove inadequate as the bigger issue is enforcement. Who’s gonna do it, dnr, sheriff, both? Not enough of either and one or the other would have to be present to determine if the operation met quidelines. Too much gray. Outlaw completely the practice of wake boarding with ballast tanks might help. Then at least one could clearly ID the scufflaws, take a picture including the boat license and turn them in. Fine then confiscate. I also dislike PWCs due to noise and the extremely erratic and juvenile operation often seen. When one blows by me @ 45 mph, hull slapping, 50 feet away while I’m spot locked on a hot spot, that’s enough to make one spit. Love it when the water sheriff hits the lake and starts his enforcement run starting with all the PWC operators 1st 🤗. That quiets things down for a while.

    big lake, backus
    Posts: 65

    I also did the survey, I don’t care for wake boats, but I said they should be allowed on bigger lakes away from shore and other boats, then I think they would be fine.

    yes I agree that enforcing this would be a issue. I guess we just have to wait till this fad goes away.

    Cloquet, MN
    Posts: 1149

    Personally, I see jetskis and unobservant tube towers as a bigger hazard. If you’re surfing, correctly, you’re in deep water going 10 mph in a straight line. That should be tolerable for everyone.

    I would agree here as well. Have I seen a urine-poor wakeboat driver cause problems before? Absolutely. I’ve also been spot-locked and almost had an 18′ Pro-V come over the bow….

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