Discussion around Transducer leveling

  • Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    Anyone with a point 1 ever use the pitch value from the point 1 to level the your ducer’s vs the coin trick?

    Been getting a lot of questions in my DM’s about leveling and quite a few people are surprised when if I ask if they have a point 1 and to just use that.

    If you go into your network and look at the data from the Point 1 you will see pitch which is front to back degree in pitch.

    If you side scan at the speed you normally like you can view that number and then duplicate it by raising and lowering the trailer with the front jack and then level your ducer.

    I find this just as effective as the coin trick. Obviously if you don’t have a point 1 you have to do it with coins, but figured I would throw this out there for anyone wondering. I assume a lot of people probably know about it but just throwing it out there.

    Posts: 24581

    I know I could google it, but what’s the coin trick?

    jim Van Schoick
    Posts: 20

    I know I could google it, but what’s the coin trick?

    use a level and stack coins until its level, you should do this at the speed you plan on searching for fish

    I have a free app on my phone for angle and degrees , I find that easier

    Posts: 24581

    Interesting. Never heard that trick before. I wont be changing my rigging anytime soon I dont think, but next time I will give that a shot.

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    If you go to setting – Network – Device List – Scroll down to the point 1 on your network, and then click data. This is where you will see the info.

    The coin trick is basically taking a small level and going at the speed you plan to graph at. Then stacking coins until you’re level. Once you’re level you can go to shore and while your boat is on the trailer stack the coins again and move the trailer up or down with the tongue jack so that its level and then you can level your ducer front to back.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    I’ve done this on my last boat and my new to me, new boat.
    I butted a 2ft level(I’m a finish carpenter) up to my windshield frame @ the drivers side top of the gunnel and measure the rise of the 2′ level @ trolling speed.

    Then when on land I match that on the driveway by adjusting the winch to match the bubble. My levels are very touchy!! Be precise!!

    After the trolling leveling is matched, I level the transducers. Yes mine are duels, left and right.

    Clear as mud?
    I hope I helped.

    Paul Codner
    Posts: 15

    Here is a link to a video explaining how to level your transducer using a bubble level, coins etc.

    Posts: 5307

    How important is it to level a ducer perfectly? What advantage do you get?

    I am curious, the numbers aren’t adding up in my head on the juice to squeeze ratio

    Chris Messerschmidt
    Posts: 615

    I would say it does not have to be perfect because with waves and boat motion it won’t be.

    What this does for you is when you are graphing, your ducer is level to your graphing speed. This gives your side scan the best image possible. Your 2D arches will be more of a true arch rather than an offset or half arch.

    The angle of the ping can be throw your picture off is what it comes down to.

    A lot of people don’t bother doing it. But those are the same people I typically hear say that they don’t get a good picture or can’t see fish on side scan.

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 477

    What’s the typical speed?

    Posts: 5307

    Interesting, thanks for sharing that Chris

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    I mount up the ducer and get out on the water and try it, then adjust and get out again if I don’t like it. Sounds like a hassle but I love an excuse to be out on the water so I don’t mind it at all

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