Dino Bones

  • Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5899

    Dino Bones, (think Fred Flintstone here)

    I had the bones that I cut from a whole beef rib-eye from earlier this year.

    Seasoned with spg, onion powder and some brown sugar to aid in the bark. I stuck a probe into them @ 1:30 pm and was looking to smoke them @ around 235 degrees for 3 hours until the it temp hit 155+/-. Then put them in a pan with au jus under a supporting rack and topped it with a tight foil cover for a couple more hours.

    1. 7-Dino-Bones.jpg

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5899

    The probe said that they were @ 207 degrees internal meat temp after one hour in the foil. SO I thought I’d better pull them. Shut down the smoker and left the wrapped meat in it and got the cheese swauze together for the veggies. Sorry this is the only other pic I have as we were done and were cleaning up after supper.

    1. 2-of-7-Dino-bones.jpg

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Denny, were they done? I’ve read a lot of posts where the dino bones take 8 hours. I know foil speeds things up but I didn’t think by that much!

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    Absolutely gorgeous! My favorite in the smoker is beef ribs.
    Question, when you get a whole beef ribeye do you also get the plate and the skirt?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5899

    Dave, some areas were done enough, I think I’ll adhear to the 3-2-1 methob and only see what the temps were but not go by the.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5899

    Sinker, The rib eye sacks we get here and upnort in Little Falls MN (Thielen Meats) are 7 bone cryovaced rib eye with a 2″ lip.

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