Diners, Drive ins, and Dives

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Did you see the 2017 new season episode on fried items.
    They had a place in Omaha Nebraska that served deep fried CARP, it actually looked very tasty. They had a very unique way of preparing it. The pickled carp looked good also.
    They said they prepare 3000 carp a week.

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    Where is the “hurl” emoticon ??

    Posts: 6259

    Like the show, didnt see this episode. I try to visit his restaurants if I like what I see and have yet to be dissapointed. Glad to see someone is using this food resource for good use and for cash!

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    What kind of carp was it? Common carp is disgusting any way you make it. Silver and bighead are supposed to be pretty good.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    “carp brought in fresh form lakes in the Midwest” I have to think its common carp.

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    Never eatin it myself, and I am not exactly itching to get my hands on some, but they sell a tons of it in New York and a few other big markets and I hear a bunch of it comes from around these parts

    Posts: 3917

    carp,even hotdogs are above that standard shock

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3142

    Smoked carp yumm yumm waytogo where is the full belly emoticon?

    Posts: 52

    Didn’t see it, but if it was in Omaha, it had to be Joe Tess restaurant. Never been there but wanted to two different times on my way to Kansas hunting. Couldn’t get in either time. The joint was packed.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    they sell a tons of it in New York and a few other big markets and I hear a bunch of it comes from around these parts

    They do and it does. There’s a huge ethnic market for carp and buffalo netted in the Mississippi River. Chicago gets a lot of it but I’ve also read where New York sees a lot of it too.

    The silver and big head carp are supposed to have very good eating from the backstraps. I haven’t personally stepped to that task yet but I have eaten carp taken from the river during the winter and other than the bones it was ok. I wouldn’t start larding up on it and I could pass on another offer to have it. I would try the silver and bighead though just to satisfy the curiosity.

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    They had a Friday fried carp night at a bar in Nebraska City when I was there golfing several years ago. Full house. I got through one bite.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12260

    I read an article about 2 years ago on commercial carp fishing. Apparently there is plenty of carp to be netted on the Mississippi and I belive rivers in IL also were mentioned.

    They had a rather interesting processing method and then the fish were turned into patties or reconstituted “fillet” shapes and then flash frozen for final retail packaging. they mentioned that it goes to markets in the US and Asia.

    I won’t be rushing out to try it.


    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    Did Guy like it? We’ve been to a couple of the joints that he has had episodes for and were a little underwhelmed. I’m guessing that he can’t air a show where he says that the food sucks. Most of the places have been good but not sure if all of them are as good as he indicate.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    They had a rather interesting processing method and then the fish were turned into patties or reconstituted “fillet” shapes and then flash frozen for final retail packaging. they mentioned that it goes to markets in the US and Asia.

    Heck….In 1969 I knew all the buffalo we caught commercial fishing where turned into fast-food fish sandwiches…..
    GOOOd crackers lol

    Ryan Hughes
    Posts: 176

    Ya I watched that episode but I don’t know how I feel about this. I think that I would at least try it but I have my severe doubts about it. I like to shoot them with my bow though )

    Posts: 1065

    it takes a lot of beer to wash it down lol. had it 4o years ago but don’t think I want it again

    Posts: 1583

    been to joe tess and our table shared some carp because we had to. it was very fishy and very OK if you are used to eating panfish/walleye. but the reality was that it was HEAVY. and here is why. they score the carp every 1/8 of an inch to cut the bones but ALSO to get batter in between every 1/8 of an inch of the fish. i estimate it has 3x the batter on it than say a fillet of walleye of equal size. you can batter fry a shoe and it will be somewhat edible. i believe they also get the fish fresh and bleed them in tanks to get out as much blood as humanly possible.

    i wouldn’t ever get the carp again.

    my buddy and his dad kept a 5lb silver when they were walleye fishing and we ate it and it was delicious. to the point where if i catch small asian carp, i’d be inclined to keep it. they are filter feeders so their food source is the same as bluegill.

    Posts: 7348

    Carp ribs anyone? Seriously, they’re carp ribs shock

    carp ribs

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Makin some of those for the get together? and where’d ya get the Carp?

    ski junkie
    Grantsburg, Wisc
    Posts: 305

    We REALLY NEED a hurl emoticon on here……….

    Mr Big Eves
    Prior Lake, MN
    Posts: 67

    Southwest MN, they net the carp in the winter around the local lakes. It is quite fun watching them pull in the nets with all sorts and sizes of game fish. They store the carp in the local golf ponds until they have enough for a full load to New York. The company mainly sells them to Jewish food processing plants for kosher meatloaf!

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