Go to Netflix and watch “Hungry for Change”. What we once thought was healthy to eat, found that it is not. Marketing for some food should be outlawed.
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Dieting Sucks
May 17, 2019 at 9:36 pm #1857340
Go to Netflix and watch “Hungry for Change”. What we once thought was healthy to eat, found that it is not. Marketing for some food should be outlawed.
Unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be on Netflix.
May 18, 2019 at 9:32 am #1857404@biggill I know the diet is messing with my physiology. On top of work stress I’m more crabby. Or as my wife says, you’re being a cocky/dick lately.
May 18, 2019 at 9:52 am #1857407It should absolutely mess with your physiology. Usually for the better.
I never knew what brain fog was until it was gone. At work I would literally sit in meetings not knowing what was being discussed because I couldn’t concentrate past about 4-5 words when someone would speak. I also find myself not yelling at my daughter anymore. I always thought this was because I was dumb or it was from biting split shots on and off my line as a kid.
November 17, 2021 at 7:50 pm #2074467Well thought I would revive this thread. I didn’t go back and read through it so I can’t really be sure where I was at the last time but I’ve started a new program.
This year I came back from deer camp weighing the most I ever have. I finally said enough is enough. Monday the 8th I started a new program which included some things I’ve never done and some things I’ve rarely done! Exercise and intermittent fasting! So far things have been going great and I notice a big difference for me than in times past – my attitude about it for one.. I’m loving this new regime!! Before dieting was a chore and not a fun one. Today I told my wife I feel like I’ve found the fountain of youth. My muscles and joints don’t hurt, my flexibility is increasing exponentially, I’m down 10 lbs already, I’m sleeping better and overall I’m less crabby. I think I can contribute that to something I’ve rarely done in my life – Exercise.
For Exercise I have no trainer and I’m not experienced. What I’ve been doing is the beach body workouts cause my wife does them. It’s helps to have a partner there to help push you through it and truth be told it’s a good bonding experience with the wife too. I do those every other day. On the days I don’t do beach body I’m using an app called couch to 5k. So far I’ve been running 2 miles on the treadmill doing that. I then do 40 push ups and 40 sit ups. I’ll look to increase these as I grow stronger
For food I’m keeping my calorie intake to below 2200. Usually right around there but never over. I’m 5′ 8″. I’m keeping my food to almost strictly whole foods. Been eating a lot of seafood, salmon, chicken, eggs, along with a good amount of fruits, vegetables and nuts.
For me my two biggest weaknesses are sweets and beer. I haven’t had a beer since deer opener. As far as candy goes I’m taking a little different approach here than in times past. I’ll allow myself a fun size piece of candy here and there. Maybe just a few a week. This seems to help calm my cravings down. I’m tracking all the calories through an app called fat secret. I still need to figure out how to incorporate beer and pizza but I think eventually, as I keep this up it will become habit and I can fit in those cheat moments here and there.
The intermittent fasting is a new twist. I have a buddy who’s absolutely jacked who told me that’s a big part of his routine so I thought I’d give it a try. Truth be told it’s not that hard for me. I’m doing the 16:8 method. I eat between the hours of 11am-7pm. I’ve never been a breakfast eater anyway and I get home from work around 5. That gives me enough time to workout and eat dinner. I miss the midnight snacks sometimes but I’m finding that when I eat healthier foods I’m not as hungry as I was when I ate chips and junk food.
Anyway seems like we are all thinking about getting in better shape this time of year and I thought I would revive this one to tell you about where I’m at and see how the rest of you are doing with your fitness. If anyone is doing the intermittent fasting thing and has some tips about incorporating a cheat day here and there let me know. Not that I’m itching for one – I’m really feeling very happy with the diet so far – but I’m not about to go the rest of my life without getting some beers and wings with the guys here and there at night time… likewise if anyone has some good calisthenic exercises for me to try I’d love to hear them.
November 17, 2021 at 8:22 pm #2074480That’s awesome.
The way I understand it, intermittent fasting seems benefit those when their diet sort of hits a wall and can’t get anymore gains. I think the most misunderstood thing about it is that people think you have to fast for 18 hours and only eat during a 6 hour period. It’s more about eliminating snacking after and before meals. Snacking keeps your blood sugar high making it nearly impossible to lose weight. If you simply stop all calorie intake after dinner and don’t eat as soon as you wake up, you eliminate the constant blood sugar high. I did it before my diet and felt better but never lost any weight because of it.
I’m a firm believer in keto if you want to lose weight fast. Not a long term solution though. It’s difficult to maintain a healthy diet on keto. Most of all it teaches you the importance of each of the macros. If you don’t feel good on it it’s because you haven’t replaced carbs with enough fat. I try and keep my carbs lower and make sure to keep my fiber, protein and fat high. Fiber and fat are highly satiating making you eat less in general and keeping you feel full longer. Protein early I t he says helps to prevent sweet cravings later on in the day.
Most of all, you have to eliminate added sugar and processed foods. I nearly eliminated all beer. When an IPA has over 200 calories and you have 4-6 a week, it’s no wonder where that extra blubber comes from. I’ve since switched to bourbon.
Another thing I believe is weight loss is about 98% diet and about 2% exercise. It’s well documented that if you do aerobic exercise your body will become more efficient at it and in turn burn less calories. If a mile run burns 200 calories, wouldn’t it be easier just to eliminate a can of Mt. Dew?
Not so say exercise isn’t important. Benefits your mental health and cardiovascular system immensely.
These are things I learned from a nutritionist and seem to work for me. I’ve been able to maintain a healthy weight the last 2-3 years after losing about 15% of my body weight with this philosophy.
bassh8erPosts: 200November 17, 2021 at 9:31 pm #2074509I’m 36 years old , 5’9” and weighed 239 lbs a year and a half ago. I currently bounce around from 178-180 and have been there same about for the last 7 months. It took about 9 months to lose 60lbs and I’ve kept it off.
I used MyFitnessPal to track my calories but honestly don’t do that anymore since I basically eat the same things and have a pretty good idea of calorie intake. Now, I eat mostly grilled chicken and baked fish as the main part of most meals but load up on broccoli and cauliflower. I would eat more red meat but it’s just too expensive for me.
I also started running a mile every day without stopping and gradually increased it. I’m up to about 18-25 miles a week now and have run as much as 7 miles but usually it’s around 2.
I’m in the best shape of my life and know this doesn’t work for everyone.
The main things I’ve learned:
Weigh yourself every morning. It’s the best way to monitor what you did the day before and if you’re making progress. I had a couple of “cheat” weekends and the Monday morning weigh-in really got you thinking if it was worth it or not.
Track your calories with the app if EVERYTHING you put into your body. It sounds annoying and it is, but you get out of it what you put in and it’s pretty crazy once you figure you can eat a bag of peanut M&Ms or 2 bags of broccoli or a fat grilled chicken breast with hot sauce and have the same amount of calories; again, makes you think if it was worth it or not.
Work out every day with cardio and track the calories you burn. I treat it just like work as something I had to do every day and even would get up at 4:00 to run 2 miles on the treadmill before getting g to work by 6:00 am. Again, I hate running, and it’s crazy to bust your ass running 2 miles and realize you just burned the same amount of calories that were in those Peanut M&Ms, once again, really makes you think about those choices.
I was 239 and never really considered my diet and now it’s basically 2nd nature. I haven’t had a cookie in over a year but still drink beer, though I have cut back, and will still eat the occasional sweets and such.
Good luck to everybody and if nothing else, it does help out with convincing the old lady for some additional “Adult Time”
November 18, 2021 at 6:59 am #2074534I don’t follow a regimented diet plan because I don’t enjoy long term success with them (self discipline) I’ve just changed habits. I eat very little red meat and fruit has replaced junk snacks. I have been working out with weights since July to strengthen bones and muscles surrounding the joints with a lot of attention to my shoulders. I’ve broken almost all my major joints due to disease. I’m noticing a big difference in how I feel. I’m 5’8″ and weighed 211 18 months ago and now weigh 172, cracking that 170 mark has proved to be difficult. I also haven’t drank alcohol since mid July with the goal to go one year without drinking.
I suffer from moderate depression and exercise has taken the place of meds which I’m thrilled about!November 18, 2021 at 7:13 am #2074540Bassh – great job! I’m 60 but that’s way too much work for this old man.
I fast on Mondays, try to eliminate carbs, haven’t had a blizzard in months, eat once a day, try to lift weights each day. Lost 37 lbs this year and feel great. I’m hovering at 190, its always good to step on the scale and have the first number a 1.
I still drink Coronas on a regular basis, ain’t never giving them up.November 18, 2021 at 8:39 am #2074558I’m lucky I never gain or loose weight. 6ft tall 180 lbs since high school.
I eat meat potatoes and vegetables on a daily basis. Thats enough of a diet for me. Lots of water and maybe 1 soda a day. Never get sick don’t go to doctor just live healthy. I’m very active at work and we do not sit at home and watch TV. We ride bikes, go for walks, skateboard with the kids, always in the woods. I don’t stop until I lay down for bed at 11pm. And back at it again at 3am on the daily.
My only issue is heart burn I fight on the regularNovember 18, 2021 at 8:45 am #2074562My only issue is heart burn I fight on the regular
I fight that too. Its awful sometimes. It feels like my chest is on fire. I found out I have a mild form of acid reflux disease, which is genetic in my family. My brother has it too.
An excess amount of spicy food really sets it off. So now I basically carry rolaids or tums everywhere.
November 18, 2021 at 8:46 am #2074563I stopped working out a couple years back now. Weight came back on fast. Surprisingly fast. Currently just trying to get over that hurdle of getting back to the gym and eating right. Fat and stupid is no way to go through life.
November 18, 2021 at 8:56 am #2074572i lost over 50 lbs in the course of the last 3-4 years. now at 222 at my last physical. i dont really do any exercise per say, try to be active.
i had a 4 by heat bypass in 2011 and concidered somewhat a diabetic and take meds for both. i think some of those meds helped with the weight loss. my A1c is below 7.
i eat less and better stuff generally, and my beer conspumtion is way down from when i was younger. i spent alot of time out of town for my job the last 13 years…….and stayed away from buffets!!!!!!!
not giving up beer, meat and taters but do it in smaller portions and i eat a whole lot of fruits and veggies!!!!!!!
November 18, 2021 at 9:26 am #2074585<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Bearcat89 wrote:</div>
My only issue is heart burn I fight on the regularI fight that too. Its awful sometimes. It feels like my chest is on fire. I found out I have a mild form of acid reflux disease, which is genetic in my family. My brother has it too.
An excess amount of spicy food really sets it off. So now I basically carry rolaids or tums everywhere.
I’m in the same boat. But everything gives it to me. A mountain dew will kill me.
November 18, 2021 at 9:36 am #2074595Matt’s post is full of great info. I realized I need to get into better shape to keep up with my boys earlier this year, and started walking 2-3 miles most mornings and lifting weights….and nothing changed on the scale, just an improvement in mental health and probably heart health (haven’t checked my numbers recently). My wife felt the same and she started some program where she tracks her macros (carbs, fat, fiber, protein etc.) and that has been great, we are both down 10+ lbs already just from that. I don’t track mine as closely, but we eat the same things, so I’m dieting vicariously thru her . It’s not a keto diet, which is nice because you can still have some pizza or other “cheat” food or carbs regularly and just have to account for it on your other meals.
Unfortunately with a teething new born the morning walks have fallen off a bit, since I’ll be up with baby in the am, when I usually get my walks in. But those should be resuming again soon, and hopefully a slight increase in the rate of weight loss. With any of this stuff it’s important to make it a part of your lifestyle or it will just go away once you lose your discipline on the plan. David Goggins and Jocko Wilink are good motivation if you need some
November 18, 2021 at 9:38 am #2074599Back in 80’s it was a 12 pack of Mountain Dew daily, 3 packs of Winstons daily, a gigantic bottle of Rolaids on my desk, in my truck & in my house. Last thing at night and first thing in the morning was a smoke. Ran a business back then with 25 employees who didn’t like to show up for work or work when they got there. The stress was taking me down. I weighed in at 180.
1990’s I had quit smoking, switched to diet Mt. Dew and left that job and gotten married. Weight ballooned to 205
2021 Retired, divorced, 2 diet dews a day, no exercise, not much to do. Weight 234 on the scale this morning.
Good, bad or otherwise I am what I am at this point.
November 18, 2021 at 9:39 am #2074600I used MyFitnessPal to track my calories but honestly don’t do that anymore since I basically eat the same things and have a pretty good idea of calorie intake. Now, I eat mostly grilled chicken and baked fish as the main part of most meals but load up on broccoli and cauliflower. I would eat more red meat but it’s just too expensive for me.
Same story here. I used that app 5-6 years ago and before long it was just ingrained in me what certain foods came in at for calories. It’s also good for portion control. When you find out how much of what you’re eating comes out to calorie-wise it can be an eye opener, and you realize you may really have to cut back on what you previously thought was an OK portion.
I remember when this thread was started, lots of good discussion and ideas from others. Glad to see a lot of IDO regulars having some success and feeling better!
November 18, 2021 at 12:20 pm #2074676If you wanna loose weight really fast, hurt yourself and have countless drs tell you to take advil. Eventually advil will give you an ulcer and yo can go from 174lbs to 149lbs in about 6 weeks. Sad part is after fixing ulcer 149 back to 175 happened about just as quick.
B-manPosts: 6214November 18, 2021 at 12:25 pm #2074678Like Bearcat I’m one of those lucky ones that can eat/drink pretty much anything I want.
My diet consists of two donuts and coffee for breakfast. A mix of gas station junk or homemade sandwiches/leftovers for lunch. And generally a wholesome home cooked meal for dinner, chased by 2-4 beers most nights, weekends usually more, sometimes like a hundred
I don’t “exercise”, but live an active lifestyle and have an active job.
I’ve put on eight pounds in 20 years since I graduated highschool
November 18, 2021 at 12:52 pm #2074685I’m down 4 pounds this month going to funerals of people that dieted and exercised.
MX1825Posts: 3319November 18, 2021 at 3:34 pm #2074740If any of you see me jogging—-please kill whatever is chasing me!
November 18, 2021 at 4:04 pm #2074754I have also gained about 20 lbs over the last couple years….kids
My wife is a nurse and a “life coach” and the saying that she always says is keep it 80/20. 80% good foods and 20% what you want. You don’t have to be perfect just eat good stuff 80% of the time and cut the processed crap as best you can. Exercising really helps me even when I struggle with the eating part. Drinking as much water as you can stomach throughout the day makes a big difference too. I just got back into the groove again this month. Feel a lot better already but have a ways to go.
November 18, 2021 at 4:07 pm #2074755Back in 80’s it was a 12 pack of Mountain Dew daily, 3 packs of Winstons daily, a gigantic bottle of Rolaids on my desk, in my truck & in my house. Last thing at night and first thing in the morning was a smoke. Ran a business back then with 25 employees who didn’t like to show up for work or work when they got there. The stress was taking me down. I weighed in at 180.
1990’s I had quit smoking, switched to diet Mt. Dew and left that job and gotten married. Weight ballooned to 205
2021 Retired, divorced, 2 diet dews a day, no exercise, not much to do. Weight 234 on the scale this morning.
Good, bad or otherwise I am what I am at this point.
I blame it on the Twins threads…..
RipjiggenPosts: 12172November 18, 2021 at 4:38 pm #2074763Like Bearcat I’m one of those lucky ones that can eat/drink pretty much anything I want.
My diet consists of two donuts and coffee for breakfast. A mix of gas station junk or homemade sandwiches/leftovers for lunch. And generally a wholesome home cooked meal for dinner, chased by 2-4 beers most nights, weekends usually more, sometimes like a hundred
I don’t “exercise”, but live an active lifestyle and have an active job.
I’ve put on eight pounds in 20 years since I graduated highschool
Trust me that won’t last forever. I was the same way.
mrpike1973Posts: 1507November 18, 2021 at 4:44 pm #2074767I quit exercising after covid in late August. Wow Jeans started not fitting now time to kick it in gear exercising and less food. Thanks for the post
November 18, 2021 at 5:36 pm #2074776Yeah until I quit smoking around age 32 I could eat anything I wanted all day everyday and not gain a pound. Not sure if age or quitting smoking caused the change but thats not the case anymore. It’s been a gradual change though. Kinda lulls you into a comfort zone and then one day you wake up and say holy cow how did I gain this much weight!..
November 18, 2021 at 6:03 pm #2074780Yeah until I quit smoking around age 32 I could eat anything I wanted all day everyday and not gain a pound. Not sure if age or quitting smoking caused the change but thats not the case anymore. It’s been a gradual change though. Kinda lulls you into a comfort zone and then one day you wake up and say holy cow how did I gain this much weight!..
I know alot of people that quit smoking that gained a pile of weight.
DeucesPosts: 5282November 18, 2021 at 7:02 pm #2074788Drinking some Busch lattes that are orange. Thats definitely enough to throw in the fruit category for my daily diet.
LabDaddy1Posts: 2628November 19, 2021 at 7:51 am #2074874Drinking some Busch lattes that are orange. Thats definitely enough to throw in the fruit category for my daily diet.
Hey, may also help a guy lose weight by inducing vomiting, too!
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