Diesel trucks

  • rsee
    Posts: 46

    @MNdrifter My brother is a diesel mechanic. He recommended the same thing.

    Posts: 861

    Are the chevy and fords a pain, or are they just a screw off and on?

    17 and newer 6.7 Fords are easy. There is a peacock valve underneith so all you do is open the valve drain it into a bowl and swap the filter.
    I have cold started mine a few times at -30 below with out it being plugged in. With some of my past GMC’s the def tank would freeze up. The newest ones have def heaters in them to eliminate that issue.

    Please let me now how well the electric trucks do pulling a large box trailer or camper 400+ miles while having the heater on in below zero temps. I’m guessing there be a few unhappy people at the charging station.

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