Diesel anti gel additives

  • MNdrifter
    Posts: 1671

    Which one of these two should I dump in with a full tank of #1 diesel? Truck will be on the ice from Thursday-Monday. I will probably start the truck with the remote every 4 hours or so. I’ve always used Howes. Fleet mechanics at work swear by the power services. What say IDO? Have a brand new fuel filter installed, and a spare should I gel up. As well as a bottle of the red diesel 911.

    1. 31238FF4-5576-49C7-97D6-ADD79BC9AA1D.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    Power Services. Then pick up a bottle of 911. If it gels pour in the 911.

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    Is it straight #1 diesel? If so the cloud point is really low already, like -40f. The additive is probably just for show on straight #1 diesel. If you have any bio in there look out! If its a newer HPCR engine you might not want to run it on straight #1 for too long as the pump might not like it very much. I typically run straight #2 with no bio and a double shot of power service white bottle but I have not let the truck sit outside in -30 before either. You might end up with frozen DEF if its a newer rig and that will derate the truck down to a crawl as well. Starting it every 4 hours might just put you closer to the derate than providing any benefit.

    Posts: 1671

    Is it straight #1 diesel? If so the cloud point is really low already, like -40f. The additive is probably just for show on straight #1 diesel. If you have any bio in there look out! If its a newer HPCR engine you might not want to run it on straight #1 for too long as the pump might not like it very much. I typically run straight #2 with no bio and a double shot of power service white bottle but I have not let the truck sit outside in -30 before either.

    I’ve got 1/4 tank of #2 winter blend in it now. Going to top it off tomorrow in preparation for the trip. And top off again once I get to the lake. I never go on the lake without a full tank of fuel. I plan on putting in straight #1 + an additive. 2020 1 ton duramax.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    I always run #2 winter blend. I would fill at a truck stop for the freshest fuel. I also would call the service manager at the dealer you bought from. I’ve never heard of anyone running #1 in a pick-up. But, it’s your truck.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12964

    Which one of these two should I dump in with a full tank of #1 diesel? Truck will be on the ice from Thursday-Monday. I will probably start the truck with the remote every 4 hours or so. I’ve always used Howes. Fleet mechanics at work swear by the power services. What say IDO? Have a brand new fuel filter installed, and a spare should I gel up. As well as a bottle of the red diesel 911.

    keep it parked in your warm garage. waytogo rotflol devil

    Forrest Melton
    Alexandria, MN
    Posts: 61

    X2 on the power services. I agree with Adam on the #1 fuel, there’s not much lubrication with it, can be hard on the injection pump in the long run.

    I have a 2014 duramax, coldest I’ve been in with it is -38F. No issues running winter blend #2 with power service. When fishing with our wheel house I leave the truck plugged in, when temps get really cold. The newer diesels with all the emissions crap don’t like idling for long periods. Let it idle for 15 mins or so and then take it easy till it’s up to operating temp.

    Posts: 1671

    I always run #2 winter blend. I would fill at a truck stop for the freshest fuel. I also would call the service manager at the dealer you bought from. I’ve never heard of anyone running #1 in a pick-up. But, it’s your truck.

    Not to be a Richard, truly asking, why is it at truck stop pumps as an option? I will call the service mgr. I ran 1 tank of #1 in it last year when it was brutally cold. Didn’t seem to affect it. Just seemed a little under power, and mileage sucked. But was told that’s what to expect. I know when I run machinery (backhoe, dozer, trencher etc.) with #1 I notice about 10% less power.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    Truck stop will give you the freshest fuel. Maybe it won’t make a difference, maybe it will.

    Posts: 1671

    Truck stop will give you the freshest fuel. Maybe it won’t make a difference, maybe it will.

    Sorry, I meant the #1 fuel?

    Posts: 1671

    keep it parked in your warm garage.

    She’s already a garage queen. Year and a half old, with only 7k miles on it. Might as well get rid of it if I drive it any less. 😂

    Posts: 15

    I’ve had good luck with power services. I think this video does a good job comparing the different diesel anti gels.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    When we needed it at the dealership, we used Stanadyne.

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 215

    It probably doesn’t need any additives being that new. My Chev 2015 Duramax does not need anything per Chevrolet and never had any issues.

    Joel W Taylor
    Posts: 108

    Winter blend should be fine for anything we’re having. Really no need for any additive. As mentioned above, your DEF is the weak link. It will freeze and you’ll never get it home.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    Running #1 fuel and using the power service, wouldn’t that give you the lubrication? There’s gonna be lots of opinions on this, personally I think a good quality #2 fuel to start with and a supplement you won’t have any problems.I’d be more worried about the emissions crap on that new of truck working, def crap.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    Winter blend should be fine for anything we’re having. Really no need for any additive. As mentioned above, your DEF is the weak link. It will freeze and you’ll never get it home.

    X 2 my brother in laws truck 2020 duramax with like 15,000 miles on it def heater went out, no parts to be had and already been out his truck for 3 weeks and now there saying it could be months!

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1074

    I’ve been running winter blend and sno-cat additive for a couple years now with no issues. Either one you have should work fine, especially since you have straight #1 in the tank.

    Joel W Taylor
    Posts: 108

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Joel W Taylor wrote:</div>
    Winter blend should be fine for anything we’re having. Really no need for any additive. As mentioned above, your DEF is the weak link. It will freeze and you’ll never get it home.

    X 2 my brother in laws truck 2020 duramax with like 15,000 miles on it def heater went out, no parts to be had and already been out his truck for 3 weeks and now there saying it could be months!

    I would say that 1 in 4 people I know with DEF systems have had theirs freeze. Same with equipment operators. When mine went out there were no parts available and not even an estimate of when there might be one available. Kind of hard to run a business when your work truck will not run because of a stupid design of a stupid emissions requirement.

    Let’s just say I won’t have to worry about it ever again.

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    It probably doesn’t need any additives being that new. My Chev 2015 Duramax does not need anything per Chevrolet and never had any issues.

    Please don’t inadvertently fill your truck up with bio blend when the truck will sit outside in weather like we just experienced. It’s not the age or make or model of the truck, it’s also not a ford, chevy, new filter, old filter thing. Its a physical phase conversion of the fuel in the tank and it will turn into a slushy mess that will not flow. Once you try to start it, the filters get packed with wax from the fuel and no amount of heat will free them up. You’ll end up swapping fuel filters and towing it to a heated space to get it running again.

    Posts: 1671

    Please don’t inadvertently fill your truck up with bio blend when the truck will sit outside in weather like we just experienced.

    Where do I find stations with diesel that isn’t bio blend. I thought all diesel at pumps are bio diesel.

    Northern Todd County
    Posts: 611

    I use the Hot Shots Secret in my 2017 Duramax

    Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    Some places non-bio is really hard to find. My wife gets mad at me on long trips where refueling somewhere other than my local source is needed. We just stop and keep going if its bio. I won’t run it unless its an emergency and only in summer. Haven’t been bit yet but don’t mess with it when it’s cold. Lucky for consumers that the fuel distributors switch blends for you behind the scenes to save most of the headaches. If it is bio, it has to say so on the pump by law. If no bio sticker anywhere on the pump, its likely straight 2-d unless it has premium diesel or winter blend verbiage. The places I like best have actual blenders where you can do straight 2-d or cut it with any amount of 1-d you like.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11101

    Never have used additives and never had an issue even down to the -30’s. Very rarely do I plug in and truck never sees the inside of a garage.
    I also change fuel filter religiously.
    Me personally, I’ve never heard of someone having issues with newer rigs.
    Not sure if starting and let sit without driving is a good idea though.

    or you could pour some Busch lite in the tank. wink

    Mr. Derek
    Posts: 237

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Adam Steffes wrote:</div>
    Please don’t inadvertently fill your truck up with bio blend when the truck will sit outside in weather like we just experienced.

    Where do I find stations with diesel that isn’t bio blend. I thought all diesel at pumps are bio diesel.

    I think in Minnesota all #2 and blends have to be 5-20% biodiesel by law. The amount depends on the time of year.

    Posts: 9311

    I’ve wanted a diesel for a while now. After reading this thread, I don’t think I’m smart enough. rotflol

    david kerg
    Posts: 4

    I too am heading to Mil Lacs this weekend with a 2006 dodge cummins. I have been using Howes for quite awhile with no issues. I have recently changed to Hot Shots Secret. Looking for a little advice myself. If you want to buy diesel with no bio than you have to travel to Wisconsin.

    Posts: 1671

    I think in Minnesota all #2 and blends have to be 5-20% biodiesel by law. The amount depends on the time of year.

    That’s what I thought.

    I’ve wanted a diesel for a while now. After reading this thread, I don’t think I’m smart enough.

    I’m definitely trying to learn. Ain’t going to lie I’m having my doubts about the purchase as well between the winter issues that diesel seems to have and that all the ice roads seem to be prejudice about diesel pickups until there’s enough ice to drive a semi on. But man I do love this truck. The power is amazing.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17431

    The power is one reason, along with longevity to buy a diesel. Sheldon is a good one to get going on Bio Diesel, he can rant for hours on the crap.

    There are so many truths and untruths associated with a diesel it’s hard to know what to believe. One forum says to never idle the motor…..hell mine runs non-stop from the time I start it in the morning until I’m done with it at night. I never shut it off in the winter. I have well over 1,000 hours idling time. Here is what has worked for me so far. I buy most of my fuel from the gas island at Quik Trip. I run Synthetic oil, Amsoil and change oil every 15,000 miles unless I’ve been towing a lot, then it’s every 10,000 miles. I rotate my tires when I change oil, every time. I change fuel filters every 20,000 miles or more often if winter is setting in. I try and change tranny fluid & filters each spring. I carry a bottle of 911 in each truck. I never run the truck in the winter without warming the engine and tranny at least 15 minutes in the morning before leaving. Then as I said I don’t shut the truck off again until I’m done for the day.

    Here is another thing people debate. When towing I use my engine brake for slowing down. I’m getting ready to put my 2nd set of front pads on the Dodge next week.

    My ’05 Ford has 440,000 miles my ’14 Dodge has 330,000 miles.

    Thats what works for me. I know a lot of people who disagree with that but they haven’t made one single truck payment for me so…………. wink

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