Did Someone Clean The Up North Lake Access?

  • dirk-w.
    Posts: 501

    I went out yesterday and a whole bunch of the trash was cleaned up. If you did it, thanks!! The usual pigsty was looking much better.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    That access is always a mess…specially once the waterfowl season starts. The few times I accessed there this winter it was also a mess. Thanks to whoever cleaned it up!

    Posts: 501

    I’m down there frequently training my dog. The worst I saw was last fall when people dumped five-gallon buckets of hardened concrete and a water softener or heater – unbelievable. A bit worse that the dead dear carcasses, beer cans, scrap lumber, etc. #&$^$& pigs. I’m gonna stat turning people in if I can catch them….

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17403

    Hang a trail cam.

    Posts: 501

    I’ve thought about it but, ya, it would get destroyed or ripped off. A nice box spring and mattress deposited along the entry road this a.m. Nice….

    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 11

    I cleaned up 2 bags of garbage out of there about a month ago. They had created their own firepit right by the water.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    We had a similar issue on a lake by St. Cloud years ago. So the local Sportsman’s club I was apart of placed garbage cans at a couple lakes and had members empty them once a week. The DNR told us to remove them immediately because they pay someone to clean the public accesses.

    I would contact the DNR and tell them to get out there and clean it up. After all “they pay people to clean the accesses”. Seems ridiculous a private party isn’t allowed to help keep a public area clean…

    My kids an I pick up garbage every time we see it, I just hope we don’t get in trouble tongue

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