Did I catch a saugeye?

  • mnfishhunt
    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    I got home from pool 4 this evening and as I went to clenched my catch one started to look different then the rest. Can anyone tell me if I caught my first saugeye

    1. 20170215_205244.jpg

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    i know the 2 on the right are saugers, and the top 2 on the lest are walleyes, what about the bottom one on the left?

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    On second guess it may just be a Green Sunfish

    reads landing MN
    Posts: 517

    If it has scaly cheeks, spotted dorsal with a black base its a saugeye

    Looks like a walleye to me in the pic…

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Either way, the bottom right Sauger is a nice one! I’m unsure if I would call the bottom left a Saugeye without looking closer. It has some slight coloration, but tough to distinguish by the picture.

    Posts: 1583

    its a walleye without seeing the dorsal fins.

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    I just keep seeing hot oil, beer, and a great dinner!

    Posts: 95

    Bottom left is definitely a saugeye

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    Here’s a better one, sorry about the mess

    1. 20170215_210057.jpg

    Posts: 2123

    Man from that point it looks like a walleye.

    Posts: 761

    No spots on the dorsal fin. I’ll say a walleye.

    Posts: 1009

    It don’t have spots but it also don’t have black spot on base of dorsal. Don’t know what to tell you other than anything short of DNA test you will never know for sure..

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    I’d say saugeye

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 530

    it surely has a different color pattern then any walleye I have ever closely looked at. Ill have to remember to check the scales on the cheeks from now on, thanks eveyone

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    It don’t have spots but it also don’t have black spot on base of dorsal. Don’t know what to tell you other than anything short of DNA test you will never know for sure..

    Other than the slightly different side markings, typically walleye will always have the black marking at the base of the dorsal. Perhaps this is the famous Wallger??

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1876

    You got a saugeye. The DNR here in Iowa stocks saugeye in the Iowa River and I have caught many. The tells are in the dorsal fins. Saugeyes always have two broken lines before the solid blotches, that’s the easiest way for me to tell.

    1. saugeye.jpg

    2. walleye.jpg

    Posts: 1501

    Definitely a Wauger

    John Kaus
    Posts: 27

    That is a Saugeye on the bottom left. IMHO

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