soldDialed arxos dovetail vx1 .10 pins

  • Bearcat89
    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    Brand new in the box, it is the dove tail mount, 2 pin .10 size. This one has mathews earth void dial, bit I have multiple colors that are all brand new granite, orange , ambush green, and white. You can choose what ever color you would like. These are 515 bucks before tax. I’d like 425 for it, again it’s brand new never been on my bow. It will also come with the mound for a ultra view scope.
    I have one of these on my mathews lift and love it. Was going to put this on the phase 4 but I want to try the uv slider. I can’t justify buying a 3rd sight, so I’m selling this one for the uv.
    North branch mn

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    Wright County
    Posts: 3148

    Is this the one that fits the riser in the v3x?

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    Is this the one that fits the riser in the v3x?

    Yes. The v3x, phase 4, lift. I’m unsure if mathews have the dovetail on any other bow but I know it does on those 3 for sure.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22144

    I should add this does have the side mount bracket so it can mount to a regular picatinny style. Does not have to be mounted on just a dovetail system

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