Devils Lake, ND

  • mxskeeter
    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Leaving in the morning for DL. Anyone been there this past week? Got a water temp or what’s working for presentation? Will be staying on west side and probably going out of Grahams Island.

    Bob Erfish
    Posts: 77

    I haven’t been there recently but what I do know is it’s going to be a windy trip for you. Don’t get your mind set on launching out of Graham’s, let the wind dictate where you fish. A lot of times it’s best to go to the calmer side of the lake because the water doesn’t get stirred up so bad. There’s going to be fish using weed lines everywhere. Cast cranks or jigs and you’ll get them.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Yep. I know we might have to drive to a better/calmer landing. I was wondering water temp if the fish will still be shallow. Casted cranks and slip bobbered last year but a little later and different weather this year.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Its been pretty good,Mitchell had 5 over 31# to win the Casino cup today,really windy crappy day too.Tommorow probly wont be a fishing day with the winds forecast.Havent been able to make it out,but have seen alot of boats in Pelican,and Golden pond.You could see them bobber fishing Golden, with leeches,right off the shallow weedlines,could literally throw a rock to shore!!Not a trip you want to make from Grahms with winds,but would be worth checking out after they lay down.Alot of smaller boats have been using the Pelican ramp this week.
    Good Luck!!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4404

    Bill thanks for the info.

    Can you put an 18.5 glass boat in Pelican landing?

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