Devils Lake ND

  • iceager01
    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    Anyone know what the conditions are on Devils Lake? I heard there is a slush warning but not surre what that means, maybe water on top from ice heaves?? and how about snow depths, is it drivable in a truck?…
    Any info appreciated… Thanks…

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Living in Devils Lake,this is first I have heard of it.Me and my friends are very avid icefishermen and fish the whole lake region and no one has mentioned this.I was all over the south end of Creelbay this morning and had no issues.
    Snow is a little deeper,but dodge a few drifts and not bad at all in most areas.

    Redwood County/Scott County
    Posts: 237

    Thanks for the reply, sorry for the lapse time in response but the job sent me out of the area, we will be heading up there this weekend and I can hardly wait… hope the perch are hitting…

    Posts: 208

    I did talk with a buddy who went around Military Point from Creel Bay and said there was water on the ice from a pressure ridge. so be careful in that area.

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