Devils Lake 9/26 to 10/4

  • mwal
    Posts: 1054

    Heading out Saturday to Devil’s lake. Any reports?


    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1406

    It looks to be windy most of next week at Devils Lake. If you like trolling cranks with leadcore and/or snapweights, my wife and I had two limits of walleyes throwing back as many smaller fish as we kept, some large white bass, and one jumbo perch in 30 ft. in East Bay by 12:30 last Saturday.

    Posts: 1054

    So far bite is tough. Skunked today

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    If your looking for eaters work any of the bridges,jigs with minnows,espwcially Mauvis,Six mile,and 57.You could troll bottom bouncer and spinner with crawlers south of east bay boat ramp along hiway or Stromme rd.Jigging the rockpiles and structure in Ft Totten bay can be good also.
    I have been too busy to make it out lately,but these are traditional spots to try this time of the year,pretty consistent over the 25 yrs I spent in bait and tackle here.
    Good Luck,wind is gonna play the biggest part in where to fish this week.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    Haven’t been there in years, but I would see people fishing Jigging raps near the bridges in the fall.

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