Devils Lake

  • bigstick56
    Lester Prairie, MN
    Posts: 195

    I know this year the snow has been a major issue up there, but besides that we are gonna head up there next weekend and do a little portable fishing for a long weekend, anybody been having any luck? We have a few spots we are gonna try to get to but dont know what kind of snow pack we are gonna run into. let me know if anyone on here has been doing anything in that area.


    Posts: 1296

    Check in how much snow they lost you will be a little more mobile with this melt. I was there Jan12-16 and there was 2ft of snow on the ice. Was a great trip cold and broke many things just hauling in the houses with sleds to our fishing spots but still caught a lot of fish. Our Saturday was -5 for high and Sunday was 10 wish we could of fished longer on that Monday cause the bite picked even more. Key is just keep moving we never sat in a fish house one time had to keep moving to stay on them.

    There is plenty of lake so you don’t need to fish near groups we didn’t have anyone by us. Again drill and keep drilling. Our biggest eye was 25.5 8lbs was fat fish , largest perch 13.5 just shy of 2 lbs. We will be back up in March can’t wait.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    Look at the website:
    They have some current info and even sell the gps coordinates for the current bite.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    The rain and warm temps last week has settled the snow pretty good, if you can access the lake you can move around with vehicles quite a bit better now.
    Fished Jerusalem bay in east devils sunday, used snowmobile but if could have drove on access I think we could have drove most places.Seeing more people driving out away from trails by casino and people are driving alot more spots in stromme/east bay boat ramp area’s.
    Did run into a few slush spots, but I think the cooler weather this week will firm them up.

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