
  • tegg
    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    At least for things like facebook, politics, etc imagine they are a piece of Tupperware in the fridge that’s been there a while. Don’t open it! Don’t try to save the Tupperware. Straight to the garbage and the day will be better for it.

    Posts: 1166

    I think it’s sad how so many people never, ever truly get away anymore. Up until 15 years ago, people would go camping, or to a resort up north or even to the beach or a cruise and not have a phone, not watch TV to have knowledge of the news, etc. The most they’d maybe see is the front page of a newspaper.

    Today, people are online everywhere. Checking Facebook, being blasted by the daily news cycle, posting to whatever social media. There is no truly getting away anymore. Which is harmful because with all of this connectivity, your daily stressors are still there. Seeing that bad news headline, seeing that annoying person post on social media, getting the notification about your next month’s bill due.

    There is so much value in going off grid even for a few days but sadly, there are fewer of us who get to do that. Even people in the middle of the ocean on a cruise are watching their same TV programs on their cell phones doing the same things they do everyday. Why even go on vacation at that point?

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