I don’t mean to add fuel to the ever burning fire but I feel we (Wisconsin) should follow suit with Mississippi and Arkansas by doing QDM or something similiar statewide. If not statewide at least county wide. I live and hunt in Clark county where there is alot of hunting pressure. And yes we do the old fashioned deer drives but it just doesn’t seem to be enough. Alot of my friends and family practice QDM and it seem to help but there is too much county land surrounding everything. Anything that crosses the fence or field edge gets blasted. In all honesty we had two deer shot by trespassers out of our field not far from the cabin this year. I feel if a good managment program is put into place it would put an end to some of this. Because then everybody would have an equal chance at a throphy buck. Don’t take me the wrong way though, I am not a strictly a throphy hunter. I have shot plenty of small bucks back when I started hunting and I still feel that beginers should be able to shoot anything that makes them happy. But after you get a buck under your belt you are always looking for bigger, so I don’t see where it would turn off young hunters. Granted the hunting would not be the greatest for the first couple of years but after that just imagine some of the deer that would come out of this great state of ours. Wisconsin is currently ranked 3rd for producing B&C bucks, with a little help we could be #1!! Think what it would do for the states economy, increased lisense sales in and out of state, lodging, food, gas, ect……the list goes on. I am posting this because I was on a couple of other forums and meet people from wisconsin that feel the same way. Just wondering how many of you hunters out there feel the same way my friends, family, and I do?? Please post feedback, either for or against, and your reasoning. I would like to hear both sides, but please keep it civilized we are all adults!! THANKS
December 4, 2003 at 7:52 am