It must be my year to shine ….I harvested this buck last night after work. I had about a half a hour left of daylight. No one was home so I thought it would be a good idea to walk above my house just to sit and relax with my 7 mm(3acres). About 15 minutes later the mother-in-law drops off my wife at home with all the kids. They start slamming all the doors and talking real loud, not knowing I am up in the woods. As they were walking in the house three deer kicked up behind my hobby barn and came running up the hill at me. Two does and this buck. The two does went screaming by with the buck right on their tail. I whistled and the buck stopped in its tracks. I had to unload. Three shots fired, two shots hit successfully. The deer ended up running down hill toward the house and exhausted 50 yards from the back door of my house. After it was all said and done the mother-in-law came up to me and said…Whew! I thought you were shooting at me. I said,”Maybe I was!”
9 points 18 1/2″ Inside spread.