take a looksie at this beast buck. it’s on the front page of this weeks outdoor news.
i don’t no about any one else, but i sure as heck would have never believed a buck like this lived in Whitewater WMA. i always thought that there were only 4 deer in the hole park .
here’s the captions that goes with the photo…..
TROUT VALLEY GIANT. Opening day of the firearms deer season in the Whitewater WMA produced a 15-point buck for Mario Morales (not pictured) and hunting partner, Antonio Dominguez (above), of Minneapolis. The massive antlers had a 30-inch inside spread, 11-inch brow tines, and the main beams measured out to 291/2 inches. No green score had been taken, but it’s sure to be one of the biggest taken in the state this year. Photo by Eric Meyer