I keep hoping for some new thinking or ideas, but the bottom line remains the same. Wildlife management departments everywhere are caving in under intense political pressure brought by meat hunters that see it as their constitutional right to shoot any deer they want AND to get a deer each and every year.
The peak harvest years only deepened and ingrained that whack/stack mentality. There were so many deer, for so long, that many hunters forgot or never even knew what it was like in times where the herd size was just average.
There is no “pull the band aid off slow” option. Any reduction in the allowable kill of any sex and size of deer is going to be a shock to a vast number of hunters out there and they are going to squeal like pigs. There is no way around this fact.
The DNR MUST find ways to resist the political pressure AND the pressure from meat hunters who only care about easy kills every year. In the long term, this will actually be a good thing for those who want to take deer, but you will NEVER convince them in the short term that a doe in the woods is better than a doe in the freezer.
Either way, in MN we are headed for a 1970s style Deer Drought. How long it lasts depends on how quickly the DNR chooses to bite the bullet and reduce the doe kill and it must be accepted that even the taking of bucks may need to be harshly curtailed in some areas.
Those who like to hunt deer (as opposed to those who simply like to kill deer) need to get together and we need to make our voices heard. If the DNR in MN does not slash doe permits across a huge portion of the state, even seeing a deer during deer season will become a challenge in many areas.
As the article points out, that “tipping point” moment is easy to see only in hindsight. And then, everyone is going to wish we’d did the right thing back then, rather than dealing with a much worse problem later on.