MN Deer Density Initiative Petition

  • xecute
    Posts: 67

    I apologize in advance if links to other sites are not permitted here. I felt that this is an important topic and we need more help and deer hunters involved.

    There are two threads on the QDMA forums that I invite you all to view. We are facing serious issues in the state regarding our deer poplution and herd management. Its clear the DNR is failing and they are not taking us hunters serious enough. It may not be your zone but there are areas of the state that have very low deer numbers and balance issues. Even if you are in a good area we need to band together as hunters and gain support across the state. So please I invite you to read these two threads.

    MN Deer Density Initiative Petition

    MN Outdoor News “challenge”

    Thanks for letting me post!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19013

    If QDM = APR then you lost me. Please clarify so people like me don’t misunderstand this initiative because from what I read on your links and the position stated by MDHA it kinda looks like they are angling this recovery towards antler mgt as well.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 20

    While I don’t care too much about APR and hunt an area with plenty of deer, I wonder if the lower deer number are hurting “Faded Camo Productions” business? Not surprised insurance companies and farmers would lobby for fewer deer for financial reasons, you might be also. Just sayin

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    PLEASE don’t confuse QDMA with APR’s. They are not the same at all. Even though there are QDMA members that are pushing the petition, APR’s are NOT a philosophy of QDMA. It has become more popular on the forums, but there are still a lot of us that don’t believe it is a herd management tool and QDM is all about a healthy herd, not a big racked herd. I am not commenting at this time on the petition, just don’t want QDM and APR’s to be thought of as the same by any means

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    If QDM = APR then you lost me. Please clarify so people like me don’t misunderstand this initiative because from what I read on your links and the position stated by MDHA it kinda looks like they are angling this recovery towards antler mgt as well.

    Where did you see them compare QDM to APR?
    I do not think MDHA will push antler mgt as they are totally against APR.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Xecute your post would carry more weight if we knew who you are.

    I have a couple of questions for you.

    1: Are you a member of MDHA?
    2: Where do you stand on APR?

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    PLEASE don’t confuse QDMA with APR’s. They are not the same at all. Even though there are QDMA members that are pushing the petition, APR’s are NOT a philosophy of QDMA. It has become more popular on the forums, but there are still a lot of us that don’t believe it is a herd management tool and QDM is all about a healthy herd, not a big racked herd. I am not commenting at this time on the petition, just don’t want QDM and APR’s to be thought of as the same by any means

    From the QDM website……..

    “What is Quality Deer Management?

    Quality Deer Management (QDM) is a management philosophy/practice that unites landowners, hunters, and managers in a common goal of producing biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints. This approach typically involves the protection of young bucks (yearlings and some 2.5 year-olds) combined with an adequate harvest of female deer to maintain a healthy population in balance with existing habitat conditions and landowner desires.”

    Sounds like the Minnesota Whitetail Alliance & QDMA have something in common we both want to protect young bucks.

    Posts: 67


    Xecute your post would carry more weight if we knew who you are.

    I have a couple of questions for you.

    1: Are you a member of MDHA?
    2: Where do you stand on APR?


    My name is Tim Filiowich. I work with Ted on the MWA.

    I am not a member of MDHA.

    I support APR.

    I also see that there is a huge problem with deer numbers in the state of Minnesota these areas need our help as much as we need their help for APR.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239



    Xecute your post would carry more weight if we knew who you are.

    I have a couple of questions for you.

    1: Are you a member of MDHA?
    2: Where do you stand on APR?


    My name is Tim Filiowich. I work with Ted on the MWA.

    I am not a member of MDHA.

    I support APR.

    I also see that there is a huge problem with deer numbers in the state of Minnesota these areas need our help as much as we need their help for APR.

    Thank you Tim that is good to hear, you have my support!

    Posts: 172

    Thanks for posting those links. As everyone can see, my screen name here is the same as on the QDMA forums.

    I just want to say that the MN Deer Density Initiative and the petition are a joint effort. I attended the Rice Sportsman Club meeting tonight where the Initiative and the petition were discussed. Members of the MDHA were in attendance and I believe they are supportive of this movement.

    The Initiative and petition were formulated in December at a meeting attended by members of QDMA, MBI (MN Bowhunters Inc.), MDHA, and MN Whitetail Alliance. The initiative and petition have absolutely zero to do with APR’s or QDM. What it does have to do with is increasing deer densities in areas where it is needed.

    I’d be more than happy to answer any questions folks here may have if I’m able. If there’s a question I cannot answer, I can get the answer from other folks.

    Stuart Smith (smsmith)

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Thanks Stuart!!

    Posts: 172

    Anybody see this week’s Outdoor News? I’d like to hope that my “challenge” thread had something to do with the SEVENTEEN letters to the editor in this edition Actually, I don’t care why the letters are there….I’m just glad to see the hunters of MN get off their hands and start making their voices heard.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    DNR also states it “hears” the complaints.

    Posts: 172

    East Central Minnesota Petition Party!

    We have picked the date and Time. We have invited many State Reps and Senators, the MDHA area Chapters, As well as Deer Hunters from the area. Any help on getting the word out would be great!

    Brooks will do his magic, to help everyone understand as to what has taken place over the past 10 years and what needs to be done to improve deer hunting in the state of MN for a lot of us!

    Hope to see a lot of you there!

    Date is set for the evening of January 29th, 2014, from 7-8pm, We will meet and greet at 6pm in Mora MN, at the “Pine Room”, which is located in the Back of Freddies Cafe next to the Chevrolet Garage on HWY 65 as you enter the Town of Mora from the south. Address is 810 Hwy 65 south, Mora Mn 55051

    John Roemhild is putting this together and would appreciate a RVSP at [email protected] A standing room only event would be nice, come on out.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’ll share this on my facebook page.

    Posts: 172


    I’ll share this on my facebook page.

    Thank you sir!

    Posts: 172

    Just sharing this letter from Brooks Johnson (for whatever reason I can’t get Leslie’s quotes in blue…):

    There was an article in the St Paul Pioneer press yesterday. I could not ignore some of the comments.

    Blue font are quotes pulled from a 1/18/2014 Pioneer Press article.

    Leslie McInenly, the state’s top deer manager, said “it’s fair to question the goals” the agency sets for various deer hunting zones throughout the state. But when it comes to Johnson’s specific claims against the agency — Johnson alleges one area has more hunters than adult deer — McInenly said Johnson is either improperly applying DNR data or missing the nuances of deer management.

    Brooks replies:

    Beau Liddel, DNR Regional Biologist in Little Falls has the deer density goals for zone 222 at 10.8 deer per square mile. The zone measures 413 square miles. At goal that is 4,460 adult deer. (St Paul DNR reports the deer density goal number at 12 deer per square mile, or 4,956 adult deer at goal. No one really knows which number is used in the field ). And 5,100 firearms hunters. And another 1,000 (estimate) bow and muzzleloader hunting. No matter how you slice it, that is more hunters than adult deer.

    “My initial intent was to make the committee members’ names public,” she (McInenly) said, referring to committees of hunters, landowners, farmers and others that recommend whether the deer population in a given area should increase or decrease. “But there is a danger that we might lose some people as a result of the heat on this issue.”

    It’s unclear under what legal basis, if any, the DNR could withhold the identities of committee members, whom the agency picks. Johnson said he wants the names made public.

    Brooks replies:

    When asked why the goals are so low and there are so few deer, the DNR will answer ‘The stakeholders asked for it’. No hunter I know would feel one adult deer per 60 acres is adequate. We manage areas of the state for densities identical to WI CWD zones. The closed door 2006 process should never be repeated. The process had an agenda to lower deer numbers, and it was taken too far. Its destroying the quality of the hunt in MN. The voice of the hunter will be represented in the next go round. There is absolutely no way the hunters of MN are going to allow the process that led to these numbers to continue.

    It’s hard to know how widespread the criticism is among the 500,000-strong deer-hunting public.

    Brooks replies:

    It’s not difficult. You simply ask the hunter. But the DNR has not run a hunter satisfaction survey in Central Minnesota since 2005. So I did one myself. Took me 30 minutes and cost me $24 through Survey Monkey. I borrowed an email list of Sportsmen from a colleague. I had never contacted any of the names on the list, they were sent no info or propaganda. They received the exact same questions and given the exact same choices as asked in the 2005 DNR survey. I wanted to compare 2013 to 2005. And the answers are disturbing.

    In 2005, 77% of the hunters surveyed either strongly or slightly agreed with the statement “I am satisfied with the number of deer I see while hunting.” For 2013 that number has dropped to 23%. A 70% decline. But the DNR does want to act for the 2014 season.

    The DNR needs to make changes for the 2014 season. You simply can not ignore the cries for help from the stakeholder group that funds the hunting side of the DNR.

    Brooks Johnson

    MN Deer Density Initiative

    Posts: 172

    One more reason to hate WI…they actually have a deer herd

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    That is CRAZY! The habitat in central MN is basically the same as most parts of WI. Glad I hunt in the lone permit area that has the highest deer density. Hopefully the rest of the state can catch up.

    Posts: 172


    That is CRAZY! The habitat in central MN is basically the same as most parts of WI. Glad I hunt in the lone permit area that has the highest deer density. Hopefully the rest of the state can catch up.

    Exactly. The habitat I have here in central MN is far superior to the habitat on my folks’ place in central WI.

    OtterTail Cty/Minnetrista
    Posts: 265

    Emailed the MN dnr this morning to figure out when the full 2013 MN deer harvest will be out…here is the response:
    The report should be available in June.

    DNR Information Center
    500 Lafayette Rd
    St. Paul, MN 55155-4040

    SERIOUSLY!? It takes 6 months to put a report together!? I’m sure the DNR will already have 14′ rules/restrictions in place before this report even comes out in June.

    Posts: 172

    They have a lot of “spin” to do before next season rolls around. They’ve already changed the Winter Severity Index so that now we need to have 180+ days to be “severe”…last year it was anything over 120.

    I am still hopeful that the MN Deer Deer Density Initiative has an impact on the DNR goal setting for 2014.

    Posts: 9

    They told me mid-February: “I haven’t even received the raw dataset from our vendor yet. It takes a significant amount of time to check the registration data; a number of errors occur that can be corrected (e.g., people enter dates in backwards, register with wrong license…). It may be mid-February since I don’t have the data yet. “

    Posts: 172

    MDDI’s first ad ran in the MN Outdoor News this week

    Posts: 172

    An article on winter severity in MN and WI. Note this quote from the article
    In Wisconsin, several DNR stations in northwestern counties already have surpassed the “severe” category in WSI readings, according to Kevin Wallenfang, DNR big game ecologist. As a result, Wallenfang anticipates either zero or extremely limited numbers of antlerless deer permits in many northern counties for the 2014 hunting season.

    Then look at the densities in WI and MN above ^^^^ Why is it that WI’s DNR is already responding with strong statements about antlerless allocations while ours is “readjusting” the WSI? Why are MN deer so much “tougher” than WI deer?

    Posts: 172

    MDDI ad that will appear soon in MN ODN

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