my 2013 gun season

  • huntalot60
    Posts: 559

    To start off off with i didn’t have a place to hunt until 4 days before season. I went out friday and put a ground blind out on a hill. It was not windy and there was still wind on it so i knew saturday was going to be cold. I that a big dow blanket with me. wheni got to the blind i had to restake one side of it. around 700 the guy to the north of me was walking around already. At 9am i saw a spike. I made it till 10:45 i was sick of the wind and walk back down to the shop. fell asleep till about 230. Around 300 i made my way back out to the blind. around 415 i saw deer in the field it was a fork horn. When i was looking at him in the backgound this buck showed up in the bino’s. When i saw his body i said after 5 years not shooting,it was his unlucky day. The fence line is 238 yards. He got shot at 237 yards. lol. It was fun to shoot the rifle again when sitting and not on drives. the look on my son’s face was priceless when i got home. We where sitting on the couch later that night and my wife asked my son what he was look at? He said i think he would look good right there on the wall. I had to laugh because when i come home from bow hunting he ask did you shoot anything. I always say laughing no i would put any of them on the wall. So when i showed up with one you know what he was thinking. Here is a pic of my all my hunting buddies. Can’t wait till it’s there turn.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Awesome buck congrats

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Pretty nice buck and pretty heavy too, congradulations.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Awesome family pic, congrats on the fine deer!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I’m surprised you get to hunt at all with 3 kids that young… Been there and done that. Great buck and even better picture!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830


    Awesome family pic, congrats on the fine deer!

    x2 Congrats

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    Congrats! Darn nice buck given you didn’t have a spot to hunt till days before the season

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 100


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Nice reward for sticking it out as long as you could in the cold/wind. It was brutal this year. Congrats on a nice buck!

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