Heater body suit

  • abster71
    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    Well I’ve had a heater bodysuit for a couple yrs now and yesterday it sure pulled through. Was able to sit in the stand all day and stay toasty with minimum clothes on. These things sure work and worth, if you compare them to a new set of bibs and parka. The biggest reason I bought the suit is so I didn’t sweat getting to stand it packs easy. 2

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    I love mine too. my favorite part is being able to not dress like the Michelin man and still be able to shoot my bow

    Fairfax, IOWA
    Posts: 408

    Good info Abster!

    How small does the suit pack up?

    Posts: 9281

    Glad to hear it works. Ive been thinking about buying one.

    Posts: 132

    X2 on buying one, they look like the cat’s meow. Now has anybody had experience with the heater body suit vs the Warmbag? I have heard good things about both.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    can you wash these suits with scent control or is it that you just have to ‘spray them down’ with your favorite scent control?
    I had on about 6 layers today and yesterday. It was my feet and fingers that got me after about 4 hours..oh, and my face is still stinging a bit….if I cover my face much, the darn glasses fog I’m looking for a better anti-fog something for them….any ideas?

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    All depends how you roll it, and how big you are. If I just single roll it I’d say about 12 to 15inches diam and 30inches long. A buddy just bought one and came up with a good idea. It’s easy to roll at home but in a tree it can be difficult so we both use a laundry bag now, and stuff it works great for 7 bucks. I would recommend the suit because it has feet for mobility in the stand vs the bag seems unsafe, but I haven’t looked at them closely. You can wash them but not dry them due to a wind membrain sewn into the suit.

    St Cloud, MN
    Posts: 974


    X2 on buying one, they look like the cat’s meow. Now has anybody had experience with the heater body suit vs the Warmbag? I have heard good things about both.

    I have the Warm Bag and love it. The reason I went with the Warm Bag over the HBS is because you can shoot your bow without taking the suit off. I know it’s not a big deal but personally, thinking of less movement. On the other hand, I think the HBS has more insulation and would be warmer but I have not had any issues getting cold in my WB yet. These bags are the bomb, can’t go wrong with either one.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    I know my boots are caked with mud by the time I get to some of my stands. The idea of filling the bottoms with that stuff makes me cringe but being warm would probably be worth it.

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