Any know when the numbers will be out?
My area has been going down hill since 2003(could be longer, but could not find the data pre-2003).
Permit area 241
Year Deer Shot per/sq mile
Message to Bluff Bucks-How do we get APR pushed in my area? Obviously the DNR only enforces the rules and does not change to the laws. The area I’m in already has a lot of people using their own QDM practices, but would be nice if everyone had to follow the rules. I just bought property in the Hillview Management area(google it) and was really surprised by the number of deer and buck to doe ratios. However, the number of 1 1/2 year old bucks was rediculous and lack of 2 1/2+ deer seen was worrysome. A balanced age structure is a sign of a healthy herd. This leads me to believe not everyone in Hillview is practicing the same management goals.
Here is a message I received from Leslie McInenly from the MN DNR after asking if talks of adding APR’s to other portions of the state…
“We aren’t currently considering APR expansion for a number of reasons…recent legislation, information re: public support, want to focus on monitoring impacts in SE, deer population goal setting… (but it doesn’t mean off the table). ”
I really hope that the public support in SE MN increases and they pave the way for APR’s to be added in other areas of the state. The following states have some sort of APR system already in place and it seems to be gaining more and more public support every year. Michigan, Missouri, New York, *Pennsyvania, Texas, West Virginia, North Carolina, *Vermont, Virginia, Kentucky, *Arkansas, Louisiana, *Mississippi, *Alabama, *Georgia, Florida, South Caronlina, *California, Oregon, Illinois, *New Jersey. States with * next to them are states that have the program statewide. Obviously public support in those states have said it’s working and it would work really well in MN.