Moon phase and the Rut???

  • Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5729

    Bobby you’re a rock star! That’s a great shot.

    Another question on figure-8’s: Do you have the reel in free spool or do you trust your drag to give enough line right at the start? Having 50 inches of very green Muskie on 30 inches of line sounds like a real extreme test for your tackle!


    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    I have not used the moon phase as a tool in the past, but want to do so this year. What moon phase should I be hunting the daytime hours? Trying to figure what days to take off work. I would definitely take any other information I can get about using the moon phase to my advantage. Thanks in advance!



    My favorite sits occur anytime we have a rising moon in the early afternoon hours during the chase or seek phase of the rut.

    I read about this concept from an article the Drury’s wrote a few years back as they claim this time period puts a lot of bucks on their feet to seek does early in the afternoon well before last shooting light.

    Based on my findings the last few years, the theory seems to have some merit, as i’ve seen a lot of rutting activity during these particular sits.

    Posts: 132

    In terms of moon phases and rut there is little scientific evidence to link the two. Based off of fetal back dating, the peak of the rut occurs generally that 11th or 12th of November.

    Dr. Larry Marchinton amoung others did a ton of deer research awhile back and he found there is no link between breeding and moon phase. Some people say otherwise but breeding wise, it’s not true.

    Deer movement is affected but that is different than breeding. For Minnesota the peak is generally around the 11th or 12th. So I am going to try to be in the stand as much as possible leading up to the 11th and 12th. I will be in ND the 1st weekend of November and in Wisconsin the 2nd weekend. I think that whole time period will be great.

    I’m thinking the 3rd to 11th is going to be tough to beat!

    From experience and talking with my hunting buddies, the mid morning seems to be a great time to be in the stand during the rut. I really like the 9-11 window. I’ll glue my butt to the stand as long as I can bare it during those times with the exception of moving to a different stand. If I would want to sneak out for a bit the best time seems to be from 11-1. 2pm the action starts to pick up!

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    While I agree that the moon phase has little to no effect on the actual breeding “ACT” I firmly belive that “Mature” bucks tend to cruise more in the daylight hours (pre rut) during the new moon time period. That being said anytime spent on stand in mn or wis. from oct. 25th to mid november is time well spent. mid day has produced our best bucks

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I believe it happens same time every year no matter what the moon is doing and my strategy is to be in the stand all day every day I posably can be in November. The last couple years ive really noticed that 10 am to 3 pm has been when I see my biggest bucks in November.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    There is a good artical in the November issue of Bowhunting world titled “Best Rut Hunt Dates 2013” Here is a short preview from the artical.

    “Study the moons affect on deer movement as closely as the author does and you begin to see definite patterns emerge. This fall our local deer guru expects the week of Nov 3 to see unusually high morning deer movement, and a predicted week long “lockdown” period beginning Nov 10 with the First Quarter Moon. Mabye the most supising prediction? Look for increased daytime mature buck movement-from 11am till dark-during the Full Moon period beginning Nov 17.”

    Central WI.
    Posts: 343

    Thanks for all the input guys! I am planning on 1/2 days the last week in Oct., and full days the first full week in Nov. I usually see more bucks in the pre to early rut, and try to stay away from the later lock-down time. Now to try and keep myself busy until then. These cold temps have me jacked up..I may be close to rut myself! Again thanks!


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