As the discussion has indicated, buck to doe ratio certainly changes the effectiveness and timing of scents, types of scent, and calls; as does temperatures/moon phases/hours or daylight etc. What do you think your buck/doe ratio is where you hunt? A general area of the state may help for others to chime in on what has worked for them. Are you looking to shoot the dominant buck on the property, a buck your happy with, or the best opportunity buck given the time you have to hunt the land? These are items that will definitely change how you can approach scents to increase your opportunity at success.
I don’t have a trail camera to fall back on for solid buck to doe ratios. But last year I only hunted three weekends starting Halloween weekends through mid-December. I recorded seeing way more adult bucks and a couple of mature bucks than does. I would say 2 bucks to every doe. I won’t venture to say this is the norm, but it was what I was seeing on this property on those weekends.
I hunt 80 private acres in zone 156….near Finlayson. The deer have been very receptive to calling.
I have only been hunting (and bowhunting) for 6 years, so killing any adult buck is a major accomplishment. I have yet to shoot a buck to score over 100″. Each year I shoot a bigger one than the year before and I have been so thankful for each deer I have taken.