Little Late

  • huntalot60
    Posts: 559

    This was Hoyt first bow hunt. We got up 5 am but did get to the stand till 635. As you can see by the pic we where a little late. We didn’t sit to long as you can see in the last pic. Sunday night is when we seal the deal on a doe on his second hunt. Wish i coulds have had got him out there to see the bucks, but it a long season and he will be going a lot more this season.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It’s far more important Hoyt enjoys the hunt. There will always be more deer. Kudos to you for taking such a young kid out. We all know how that can go. My girls are good sometimes, but ready to leave after 15 minutes sometimes.

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    I wish the two of you the best of luck this year. My father started taking me out at a pretty young age. Little did I know, those days of fun would some day become life long memories

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