Take care of your Deer

    Eyota Mn
    Posts: 26

    Just thought I might give a few little tips to the new
    hunters this year. I have prossed wild game for almost 30 yrs
    Deer that have been gutted and then just haug in the tree with out proper care will starting to go bad right away blood and dirt are the worst get as much off as possiable when gutting the deer take a little extra care in keeping the animal as clean as possiable I know most of you don’t cary water with you but it is a good idea to run the hose on the inside when you get it home the better you can get it cleaned up the easyer it is when it comes to prosses the deer. The meat will not sour as fast if it is clean and it won’t all go in the bone can
    Contrary to what I have heard about putting ice in the chest
    cavity is is OK as far as I can see.
    Venison does not need to hang for a week or two.
    As soom as the body has cooled down 1 day should do it get it prossed as soon as possiable
    you will be much happier with the end results.

    Hope you all have a good hunt and be careful

    If you need to get one prossed I am still doing them
    send me a PM for more details Tom
    [email protected]

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    This is a post from last year, I thought it would be a good one to bring back up to the top.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    This is a post from last year, I thought it would be a good one to bring back up to the top.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I am not going to say I totally disagree but I don’t believe in washing the blood out of the inside and I don’t believe in processing a deer after it has cooled down. Letting a deer freeze before it has a chance to slowly cool down is not a good thing either.

    Water increases your odds of developing harmful bacteria. It is acceptable to use a dry cloth to wipe out the inside to remove excess blood/dirt.

    If I get a nice clean kill (not gut shot) and the conditions are favorable, I prefer to hang a deer for a week to age the meat. However, we use a walk in cooler and the temperature is held at 34 degrees. Anything above 40 and you are looking for trouble.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I am not going to say I totally disagree but I don’t believe in washing the blood out of the inside and I don’t believe in processing a deer after it has cooled down. Letting a deer freeze before it has a chance to slowly cool down is not a good thing either.

    Water increases your odds of developing harmful bacteria. It is acceptable to use a dry cloth to wipe out the inside to remove excess blood/dirt.

    If I get a nice clean kill (not gut shot) and the conditions are favorable, I prefer to hang a deer for a week to age the meat. However, we use a walk in cooler and the temperature is held at 34 degrees. Anything above 40 and you are looking for trouble.

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