2013 Success – Pics and Stories

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Doe down at 12:30 this afternoon, now I can wait for the big boy!

    New Prague, MN.
    Posts: 1023

    Both taken this morning.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Posts: 90

    I just wanted to share this photo of a eastern Iowa deer my brother in law got in to process and cape out. The guy that got it has been keeping track of it for a few years. this was the year he could not pass it up. It should dry out over 190.The hammer should give a idea of the size of it.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I officially have 223 hours in tree stand total this year. Still at it hard . Today was a great day but chilly . Opting for a ground blind with the cold temps an high winds tomorrow . Hunting a river bottom . Lets see what tomorrow brings ! Im pumped have seen some nice bucks this week lets see what happens with this big cold front

    Posts: 49

    As i usally do, i take the week before slug season to try to fill my bow tag and this year I finally filled my MN bow tag, with this nice mature 8 point. Shot November 6th, and recovered the morning of the 7th. I’ve been bow hunting now for 12 years and this is the first buck i have shot, im real proud of him..

    Nov 6th.. As i sit in the tree i remember i had a eye apointment to get fitted for contacts, As i sit there i knew i needed to get out around 9:30am. After sitting the morning till 9:30 and only seeing two small bucks and six does, i climbed out and headed to my appointment. I get my new contacts in and fitted. Doc clears me and on my way out the door i decided to call my older brother to see if he wanted to go out in the evening, he said sure. So i drove down and pick up him up and headed out to the property i got permission to hunt this summer. As were gettting ready to leave the truck my brother says to me, someone is going to kill tonight!! so we say good luck and head to our stands. I chose to sit on a field edge and he went to the timber along a big draw. around 4:30 i get a text from my brother saying theres a nice 8 running a doe across the ditch from him, headed in the oppsite way. About a half and hour later i was sitting there thinking to myself why havent i seen a deer.. And thats when it happened!! I hear a twig snap and look up and there he is standing in the field, its like he grew out of the ground. So now, my heart was beating faster then ever, my legs started shaking.. As he stares in my direction,he turns and starts walking down the edge of the field towards me and i grab my bow, and as im grabing my bow i hit the limb of the bow on my peg, he stops and looks right at me. So now im like oh scat hes going to run away, but he doesnt he turns and gives me a 20 yard quarting away shot. I pull the hoyt back and let i rip. I watch the lumenok hit just a little back from where i was aiming, he takes off like a rocket into a chunk of private land i dont have permission to hunt on. so i decided to back out, and try to get ahold of the land owner to let him know i hit one and it went onto his property. Called number in the phone book and No answer so we lefted a message…
    Nov 7th.
    Its now the morning of the 7th we head to farm my brother works at and we get his chores down, around 9:30. As were headed over to the land, we call again to see if we could go in and get my deer, no answer. So we sat there for around a hour waiting to hear back from the landowner, no call back. So now we had to make a tuff decsion and that was to go onto his land and get my deer.. So we get on blood and find the deer about 100 yards from the line.. We high five and now im on cloud 9. So we drag the deer out and gut him on the land i had permission to hunt on. We head home and get him washed out and get it hung in the garage. So im so happy till i get a call around 3:00pm and its the owner of the property the deer ran onto. He said i hear you hit one and it went onto my property, and i said yes sir, but ive already got it. Thats when he chewed my and was going to give a trespass ticket since i didnt have permission to go onto his land… So what was i supposed to do, if i let it lay that long it would have spoiled and i wouldnt get any meat off him… So after he vented he told me this is a warning, since i at least tired to call him, if he ever catches me on his land again i was going to get a ticket!! Thanks for reading and Good luck to all that has a tag left!!

    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    Great morning at our place in MN! My brother shot a 145lb horse of a doe and another really nice one. I finally hit the sweet spot on a mature doe, a new guy shot his first deer in almost 20 years and the Kutz girls got to follow a blood trail and help with their first recovery. Lots of smiles all around and rumor has it we will be seeing another well deserved smile from WI!

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Great buck congrats

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