That’s Enough

  • gobbler
    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Went out and checked on some cameras this morning and walked by to check where I spotted a camera (which didn’t have permission) last year and found the person put it back up this year. After the conversation with the landowner, I grabbed the camera and left a note with pen inside a plastic bag pounded to the tree where the camera was.

    The note went something like this;
    “If you want your camera back? You will need to leave your name and phone number on this sheet of paper and someone will get back to you. We knew your camera was here last year but this year it will not be tolerated. You do not have permission and your camera is on private property.” At the bottom of the page I put a space for name and phone #.

    I hate having to do this but whoever it is even removed the “No Trespassing” signs that I put up last year and obviously has shown lack of respect by taking (2) signs down within 50 yards of the camera and putting it back up again this year.

    My question to everyone;
    What would you do and how would you react?


    Shoreview, MN
    Posts: 723

    I think what you have done is phenomenol! If I had to guess you will end up with a camera and no response from the trespasser but I am sure he will feel like a schmuck! You could have also left a written confession for him to sign . Well played Ricco

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Where I grew up, tresspassing was handled in much firmer manner. I’m not saying I’m not against that, but I do like how you handled this. Well played sir!

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    Thats a fantastic way to handle this situation! Let us know how it turns out. Im guessing yournever gonna hear from him and not gonna have anymore problems with this guy.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4070

    I like the approach you took.

    I get that some people trespass on accident or on purpose while hunting, but putting a camera up on private property months before the hunting season? All trespassing is wrong, but this seems really weird. Hopefully you get an explanation.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Very good way to handle it. Most guys would have just taken the camera and been on their way with no opportunty of resolution to the issue. I agree, you wont hear from this guy (unless it’s a kid,, you may hear from him if he’s a kid and that $100 camera is a BIG deal to him).

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    I agree, this is an excellent way to handle the situation. Not just for now, but get a permanent solution. Nice work!!

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    I like it. My guess is they guy will come and ask the farmer for permission now that he has been caught.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    That’s a good thought. I have had exclusive hunting rights to this farm from the very beginning of my bow hunting days (15 years) Basically, it’s a very good friend of mine from growing up and his dad is a 2nd father to me (25 year relationship). I’m not really concerned with someone getting permission based on our relationship (birthdays, weddings, holidays, etc.)

    I just thought of something…. the camera is a Spypoint. Could it be John Steinhauer?? j/k

    In all seriousness. I really hope the person does leave their name and # and I get a chance to talk with them. Likely it’s someone who enjoys bow hunting just as much as we do and it could be a good way to set some guidelines with adjoining properties. I did have an issue around 5-6 years ago with a tree stand in the exact same spot. I ended up putting a “No Trespassing” sign 7′ up on the tree the stand was in. Of course, the stand was gone the next time I was out there.

    This is going to be interesting if the person does leave their info?

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Is the tree and camera on land that adjoins more woods? Like an imaginary fence line. My boss has been running into the same issue with a tree stand. 10′ – 15′ over the property line. No fence just no trespassing signs. Just curious is all. He took the stand down and contacted the C.O. They took the stand and called the other guy. Not sure if anything more came about it or not.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    It’s actually a small woods (12-15 acres) surrounded by cornfields on 3 sides and houses (around 200 yards away)with some CRP that separates things on the 4th side.

    There are (2) tree lines that connect to the woods on the NW & NE corners. Both tree lines are very thin and run to two different woods. The spot is basically the hub of that area and I have only hunted in this spot about 10 times in 15 years. I purposely leave it alone as a sanctuary. Plus, since it’s so small, it’s very hard to access without bumping deer.

    Getting to your fence line question. There is an old fence line on the East side that is probably 40+ years old and posts on each corner that I have repeatedly put “No Trespassing” signs on over the years. It seems that every 2-3 years I have to put up new signs because they have been torn down. I take the time to cut up 1/2″ treated plywood and use signs made out of tin/metal before nailing to a post or tree.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that the property lines are very cut & dry in this area based on woods, tree lines, and crop fields. I guarantee the person responsible for putting the camera up over a pile of shell corn knows that they don’t have permission to be there.

    What I don’t understand is why not put the camera on a the property 70-80 yards away where they have permission?? I’m pretty sure I have the answer… There is a box stand (70-80 yards from the corn/camera set-up) right on the edge of the tree line and woods and between 2 corn fields. If the guy hunting out of the stand were to ever get questioned by a CO or Warden all he would have to say is he wasn’t aware that the neighbor was baiting.

    It’s a dumb situation and I personally don’t want to get caught up in it except for the fact that whoever is doing it doesn’t have permission from the landowners and I do. Meaning that I’m the only one that can act on this because nobody else will.

    I’m glad I have an outlet like IDO for venting and discussing. It helps me to stay focused and composed because of everyone’s feedback.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Make sure to keep us posted as to what you find out, if anything.

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Ive been in that same situation in the past on the Wi property…except I had my camers taken..the person that took it THOUGHT it was on his property…after a lot of B.S. I got the camera back and made him well aware of proper property lines….Anyway I understand why u did what u did but I would have left the note AND the camera…Now a days it seems people get evil and I think u might have opened your cameras up for damage or theft even though he was trespassing. After giving him a chance to read the note…then take it if he does not remove it…good luck..Jay

    Posts: 20

    I would have taken it one step farther and put up one of my cameras on a tree facing where his camera was just to get photographic proof that he was trespassing and placing corn.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I like both these signs….

    Posts: 2998


    I just thought of something…. the camera is a Spypoint. Could it be John Steinhauer?? j/k

    If I promise not to put it back up could you mail it to me??

    Posts: 731

    Interesting situation. Finding a camera in a place that seems a little illogical always makes me wonder if the owner wasn’t watching something besides deer.

    There aren’t, by chance, any signs that anything besides corn, beans, and all that other boring farm stuff is being–ahh-hemh–“cultivated” in that area? If you know what I mean.


    Posts: 2998


    Interesting situation. Finding a camera in a place that seems a little illogical always makes me wonder if the owner wasn’t watching something besides deer.

    There aren’t, by chance, any signs that anything besides corn, beans, and all that other boring farm stuff is being–ahh-hemh–“cultivated” in that area? If you know what I mean.


    Good point, I’ve ran into a few crops that… Let’s say didn’t appear on their own in the past.

    Posts: 731


    Good point, I’ve ran into a few crops that… Let’s say didn’t appear on their own in the past.

    Yes, I got turned around once when deer hunting and strayed onto a neighboring property where I walked into a small, obviously man-made clearing. Complete with a deer fence, lean-to, watering system, etc. Even though the crop had been harvested, it was obvious what was going on as many efforts had been taken to conceal everything, even to the point that someone had spray painted the fence posts a camo color. Needless to say, I beat a hasty retreat the way I had come, I’ve heard too many stories about boobie traps.

    It probably should be noted that when pheasant hunting, it’s no uncommon in certain parts of MN to suddenly be in the middle of what looks like a very large pot garden. Don’t jump to any conclusions.

    During WW1 and WW2, farmers were encouraged to plant hemp for rope production. The seed has grown wild ever since. Hemp is, of course, in the same plant family as pot plants, but as may high school kids in MN have found out, similar is not close enough. You only get sick by smoking hemp.


    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    Well, I didn’t get the desired result with a name & phone # on it the pc of paper.

    However, I did get some lame a$$ excuse to why the person put the camera where they did. (see photo)

    Also, I did put the camera back on the same tree for them to get it back. What amazes me is I can’t believe the paper didn’t fly away after the Hurricane that we had in the area on Thursday and Friday night.

    My guess is the camera won’t be on the property in the future and if it is, I won’t be giving it back next time.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Put one of your cameras up in a tree high enough they can’t reach it.

    Posts: 2998

    I can’t read it all…… cracked phone screen makes it tough

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    So did he get his camera back? It doesn’t appear he gave you contact info.

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