Need advice on applying for Iowa

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I want to start applying for Iowa this year but have a few questions for those of you who have hunted Iowa. Does anyone have a link for an Iowa map that shows the boundaries for the different zones? I am looking for one that is better and shows more detail then the one on the Iowa DNR web site. I want to bow hunt so I can experience hunting bucks during the rut that are not pressured by a gun season. I would also consider muzzleloader season because I know my odds of drawing a tag are better than drawing a bow tag, still I really like the idea of bow hunting during the rut with no open gun season.

    If you could hunt any zone what would your pick be? I possibly have access to land in the Lime Springs / Cresco area, I believe this is zone 9 or possibly zone 7 which would be close to home for me and would allow me more time to hunt Iowa. I also may have access to land in zone 5, from what I understand zone 5 & 6 have produced the most record book bucks in Iowa, sounds like a great area to hunt but also would be more expense with travel & lodging.

    Below is some info I found online, for those of you that apply to Iowa which option do you prefer? Is there any advantage to applying for a buck only tag or are you better off applying for a buck & doe tag? Does this mean one tag is good for a buck or a doe or can you get a buck & a doe tag? And if so how much more is the cost for two tags?

    You have two basic options when you call to apply.
    • Option 1: Apply for an “Any-deer/Antlerless-only” license (buck & doe), provide your zone, weapon choice and pay with a credit card. If you don’t get drawn you will get a refund in about 6-8 weeks “after the drawing” and get one preference point.
    • Option 2: Buy a $50 preference point. Hunters who choose not to apply for an “Any-deer” license (buck tag) may purchase one preference point that will improve their chance of getting a license in a future year and a zone or weapon choice is not needed.

    Central, MN
    Posts: 1110

    You succeeded. I’m official confused

    Posts: 1552

    If you are applying for a buck tag you HAVE to purchase a doe tag too. There’s no way to just apply for a buck tag. This change was made awhile back. You also have to buy a small game license when purchasing a deer tag. They don’t make it easy or cheap for us.

    I can only speak for Zone 5 as that’s the only Zone that we hunt. The success rate for being drawn in Zone 5 is 73%. If you really want to hunt this year I would purchase the extra preference point as it is one of the most popular zones.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Application with map

    Drawing Statistics

    Posts: 1552

    Opps… I just noticed that you were bowhunting. The odds are not in your favor in Zone 5. You will not be selected for Zone 5 in your first year of applying as the success rate is only 47%. We only gun hunt so that’s the only info that I can supply.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I am leaning toward just buying a preference point this year for a couple of reasons. 1: Not sure I could afford it this year if I did get drawn. 2: Still not sure if I want to bow or muzzleload hunt but I like the idea of hunting during the rut without an open gun season so I am leaning toward bow but I could be persuaded either way. The way I understand it if I just buy a point this year without applying I do not have to decide on a season or zone until I actually apply for a season.

    Posts: 1552

    After reading through the application a little closer I believe you are correct on the preference point. I never used that option so I wasn’t sure about it. With the gun season success rate in the 70 percentile we didn’t need the preference.

    I’m sitting out gun now until I get a bow tag. It may take a few years but I really want to hunt the rut too. I think I will chip into the Iowa fund and buy the preference point. When you look at what your paying what’s another $50.00

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    I think I will chip into the Iowa fund and buy the preference point. When you look at what your paying what’s another $50.00

    When you buy a preference point does it not count toward the price of the licence when you get drawn?

    Posts: 1552

    I didn’t see that part in the application.

    Hunters who choose not to apply for Any-deer/ Antlerless-only combination licenses in 2013 may purchase one preference point that will improve chances of getting a license in a future year. Preference points may only be purchased May 4 – June 2.Preference points are $50 plus application fees and will be available online or through the telephone ordering system. Hunters unsuccessful in the Any-deer/Antlerless-only combination license drawing will be given one preference point AND assessed a mandatory, nonrefundable $50 preference point fee. Preference points will not accrue in a year in which you fail to apply or purchase a preference point, but you will retain any preference points previously earned. Once you receive an Any-deer/Antlerlessonly combination license, your preference point(s) will be eliminated. (You will not lose preference points by purchasing an optional Antlerless-only license). You may use your preference points in any zone or season the next time you apply. Preference points will not apply to Antlerless-only licenses. The license drawing for Any-deer/Antlerless-only combination licenses will be made from the pool of applicants with the most preference points and continue to pools with successively fewer preference points until quotas are filled or all applicants have received licenses.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100



    I think I will chip into the Iowa fund and buy the preference point. When you look at what your paying what’s another $50.00

    When you buy a preference point does it not count toward the price of the licence when you get drawn?

    I have not read the Iowa regs, but any states I apply in, the Pref Point $$ are for that only. They do NOT count towards license fees.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374




    I think I will chip into the Iowa fund and buy the preference point. When you look at what your paying what’s another $50.00

    When you buy a preference point does it not count toward the price of the licence when you get drawn?

    I have not read the Iowa regs, but any states I apply in, the Pref Point $$ are for that only. They do NOT count towards license fees.

    Kooty you are correct ! Done this for many years and just keep bending over

    se mn
    Posts: 123

    Steve,I would just apply for a Zone 9 license.Only an hour away,you get your feet wet for Iowa and there’s decent bucks there too. Southern IA gets all the press but its along ways for you to go and realistically how often would you get there to bow hunt and $$$ to boot.Gun hunt would be different.Good chance you won’t draw this year,then you get your preference point and save $50. If you draw,great.There’s very good state land in NE IA that does not get near the pressure as MN,especially bow season. I’ve seen state parking lots empty during gun seasons before. Muzzleloader in NE IA is tough. It’s late in the season,cold, and deer are herded up and on high alert. If IA would ever do the NR early muzzleloader THAT would be the real deal. PM me for ?? and maybe some starting points.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Steve I don’t know all the laws that pertain to non residents. I do know that your better off hunting public land in N.E. iowa and its only a stones throw from where your at, maybe 3 hrs? Southern Iowas out of the question if you go for only a week, its too far and only a week if you want to sit and wait for a big one and theres a good chance you may have too. Theres alot of nice bucks on public areas in N.E. Iowa. Allamakee or Winnishieck countys, really any of the 4 N.E. iowa counties next to Minnesota. Buy any tag that comes first and thats available to you, anyway you do it and you gain a preference point because your and out of stater. A guy Iknow that comes from Michigan waited for 3 years to get his first liscense and now has the first choice for out of state liscenses. I think last year he paid the $50.00 and got a blackpowder tag because he did pay that amount and paid for it over the counter the same time he bought the out of state liscense. After your first liscense it has many benefits, in other words when your over the first hurdle the rest is a whole lot easier. Do some through checking because last year the state was short on revenues and it was easy to get an out of state tag right over the counter.

    Posts: 23

    I have hunted Iowa once and have 2 points now and am applying this year to go back. I bought preference points the last 2 yrs, because it is almost impossible to draw a bow tag with less than 2 points. Especially if you are trying to hunt the Eastern zones. I agree that zone 9 holds some good bucks. That is where we were and we all saw some good bucks. Good Luck and enjoy Iowa it is a good time during the rut.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Thanks for all the replies here guys, I am leaning to zone 9 now for the simple fact that it is closer. I bought a point this year and will probably do the same next year. This gives me a couple of years to decide if I what to bow or gun hunt, also save up some money and pay down some debt.

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